SA tech firms are struggling to innovate

Drawing upon data from questions and interviews with senior leaders from 42 institutions, the report delineated the multifaceted challenges and prospects tied to the pursuit of digital innovation.

Drawing upon data from questions and interviews with senior leaders from 42 institutions, the report delineated the multifaceted challenges and prospects tied to the pursuit of digital innovation.

Published Dec 6, 2023


South Africa’s socio-economic imbalances, political instability, and constrained economic growth, not to mention the logistical nightmare posed by load shedding, could significantly impair both the pace and scope of innovation.

This was according to the latest BCX Digital Innovation Index Report 2023.

The report aims to guide businesses by evaluating their innovation strategies and shed light on the dynamic landscape of digital transformation in South Africa.

Regulatory hurdles and a lagging alignment between compliance and technological advancement could also severely constrict experimental forays into innovative solutions, the authors of the index said yesterday.

Drawing upon data from questions and interviews with senior leaders from 42 institutions, the report delineated the multifaceted challenges and prospects tied to the pursuit of digital innovation.

The study classified South African organisations into four discernible categories: “Excellent”, “Maturing”, “Emergent”, and “Nascent”, each presenting different approaches and stages of development in pursuing innovation.

It said many large, established firms grappled with obstacles in pursuing innovation. Their expansive scale and historical baggage often hindered their agility, preventing them from emulating the nimbleness of start-ups or the scalability of tech giants.

“Being digital and innovative describes a way of doing business, rather than simply a set of technologies or new products and services. Thus, in this era of rapid transformation and digital innovation, it is imperative for businesses, be they large enterprises or small and medium-sized ventures, to engage thoughtfully with the insights presented in this report.”

The index authors said the growing need for digital transformation and sustainability amid complex economic dynamics offered fertile ground for the genesis of new solutions, provided the organisations could rise to the challenge with agility, a balanced risk-taking culture, and a relentless focus on adaptability.

In its conclusion, the report said organisations in South Africa needed to navigate a complex set of internal and external conditions to truly innovate and grow.