Tokai Lions Club spreading the holiday joy at Tygerberg Hospital’s children’s ward

Tokai Lions Club spreading the holiday joy at the Tygerberg Hospital’s Children’s Ward. Picture: Supplied

Tokai Lions Club spreading the holiday joy at the Tygerberg Hospital’s Children’s Ward. Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 7, 2023


Cape Town - It was all smiles and excitement on Wednesday in Ward G6 at Tygerberg Hospital when the Tokai Lions Club spread the holiday joy and surprised the little ones with an early Christmas gift.

Seventeen children each received a gift bag with a fluffy toy, party packs, doughnuts and a medal donated by athletes to remind the little ones that they are champions while they are battling health challenges.

Mark Rossouw, media liaison and marketing chairperson, said the club had a good relationship with Tygerberg Hospital’s children’s ward in the hope of spreading love and joy to the young hearts.

“Children and the elderly are special and important to us, we want to help and make a difference by assisting them. Some of the children in the ward have been there for a while now and will continue to be in the ward till after Christmas and into next year, so we wanted to make the day special for them.”

The club characterised the Christmas spirit by having the gift bags handed over to the children by Mother Christmas and her Elf alongside members from The Tokai Lions Club and the nursing staff.

“The Tygerberg children’s ward is under-resourced and needs a lot of things. When we did our research last year, we found out that we are suited and in a position to assist them.

“The children in the ward are either recovering from cancer, orthopaedic surgery or other illnesses that they are battling with, which is why we have embarked on a three-phase project to make the recovery ward look and feel warm and colourful.

The playroom is only the first phase of a three-part revamp at Ward G6 and was revamped in September; the second phase will be the refurbishment of the entrance foyer to the ward; and the final phase will incorporate the renovation of the hallway which will take place next year.

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