International Khoikhoi Film Festival is here

The festival is an annual showcase of human rights, Khoikhoi and first-nation-themed films.

The festival is an annual showcase of human rights, Khoikhoi and first-nation-themed films.

Published Dec 8, 2022


Cape Town - In celebration of indigenous heritage, the International Khoikhoi Film Festival kicks off at Bertha House in Mowbray this weekend, free of charge to the public.

The festival, an annual showcase of human rights, Khoikhoi and first-nation-themed films, takes place on December 9 and 10 from 10am till 2pm.

Screenings will include shorts, animation and documentary films and will be followed by discussions to raise awareness, initiate conversation and to encourage people to question the numerous challenges faced by Khoikhoi communities in southern Africa and the world.

Festival director Toroga Denver said: “We seek to create space to discuss the creation of Khoikhoi films by Khoi film-makers and non-Khoi film-makers. It is to highlight Khoikhoi issues in South Africa as well as the broader southern Africa.

“The films talk about language, culture, land and what needs to be done to help and recognise historical injustice. Khoi communities were the first dispossessed of the country and are being erased through a coloured identity. We are creating a safe space to discuss what needs to be done and encourage storytelling. The word ‘Khoi’ means human, recognise the humanity in us.”

“Anyone who wants to learn more about Khoi identity in 2022 is welcome to attend the festival.”

Featured films will include Sylvia Vollenhoven’s “Rooibos Restitution”, which tells the story of the historic struggle of the people of the Cederberg to win recognition for the traditional knowledge of the Khoi and San.

There will also be a free 20-minute Khoikhoi language session for each day of the festival.

Cape Times

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