Mkhwebane sent more than 600 written questions by Section 194 Inquiry

Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane. l BONGANI SHILUBANE

Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane. l BONGANI SHILUBANE

Published Jun 26, 2023


Cape Town – Suspended Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has been furnished with more than 600 written questions to respond to, related to the Section 194 Inquiry into her fitness to hold office by Monday.

This was in line with the decision taken by the inquiry to send written questions to Mkhwebane so that she could respond orally, or in writing, on the evidence already led in the inquiry.

There were 636 written questions from the evidence leaders and scores of others from MPs representing the GOOD party, the DA, ANC, Freedom Front Plus and the ACDP.

The EFF, ATM and the UDM did not submit written questions.

The inquiry amended its directives in order to allow committee members and evidence leaders to present written questions to Mkhwebane to answer orally or in writing.

Inquiry chairperson Duqudile Dytantyi said the committee was sticking to its revised programme and that Mkhwebane had the funds, as well as having access to an instructing attorney to brief her counsel.

“Whilst all members were invited to submit questions, not all members availed themselves of the opportunity to do so.

“Written questions by members of the committee, who wished to do so, was due by 21June 2023. The deadline for evidence leaders to provide questions was yesterday (Sunday), which they met,” Dyantyi said.

Dyantyi also said the committee received questions from the 12 MPs from five political parties represented in the committee.

“These questions concerned both Part A and Part B of Adv Mkhwebane’s statement to the committee about the charges in the motion.

“These questions, together with those from evidence leaders, were sent to Adv Mkhwebane’s legal team, Chaane Attorneys, last night,” he said.

Dyantyi said the committee’s secretariat and the evidence leaders would make themselves available to assist Mkhwebane and her team to locate any record she may require for the purpose of responding.

“There has been and remains no denial of access to legal assistance and there is therefore no impediment preventing the answering of the written questions” he said.

Dyantyi also said Mkhwebane was required to respond in writing to the questions by no later than July 6.

“As previously indicated, if she does not respond to the questions, the committee reserves the right to continue with its remaining programme.”

Last week, the inquiry said in a statement that Mkhwebane had missed two deadlines to notify it whether she would respond to the questions in writing or orally.

It also said she had also been granted another opportunity until June 22 to submit any additional affidavits or documentation in support of her and Part B statements or to the evidence leaders’ presentation on Part A of her statement.

Dyantyi confirmed that he would deal with the recusal application when it was submitted.

Cape Times