Letter: Eskom is being sabotaged

More and more evidence shows that a concerted effort is being made to sabotage the power generator, says the generator.

More and more evidence shows that a concerted effort is being made to sabotage the power generator, says the generator.

Published Apr 12, 2023


By Mark Kleinschmidt

Cape Town - It is blatant that sabotage is prevalent at Eskom. There is an alleged coordination by a cartel of unscrupulous persons to sabotage the ailing power supplier, motivated by money, to sabotage the coal supplies and other to Eskom.

The ANC led government is accountable and must exercise its power to resolve this problem, and not pussy foot around the issue. A commission must be established to investigate the issue.

It is strange that fires flare up from nowhere during peak time, and we are faced with stage 6 load shedding!

More and more evidence shows that a concerted effort is being made to sabotage the power generator.

The ANC led government is growing less inclined to establish an investigation into the rolling blackouts and alleged sabotage.

A group of senior persons are benefiting financially, while our ailing South African economy is degenerating.

God bless South Africa.

Cape Times

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