French union hints at Olympic protests

The Olympic rings are displayed on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris.

The Olympic rings are displayed on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games in Paris.

Published Jul 12, 2024


A top French trade union leader on Thursday urged President Emmanuel Macron to let a left-wing alliance govern after it came first in a legislative election, hinting that any alternative could be met with protests during the Paris Olympics.

In his first public comments since the New Popular Front (NFP) beat his own centrist camp into second place in Sunday’s election, Macron said on Wednesday that “no one had won” and asked “republican forces” to form a “solid majority” to govern.

That has been understood to mean he wants a coalition of centrists and moderate parties from the NFP, such as the Socialists and Greens, excluding the hard-left insurgent party France Unbowed, which he deems beyond the respectable spectrum.

Sophie Binet, leader of the CGT union, said Macron was in denial about the result of the election and should appoint as prime minister whoever the NFP picks. Members of the alliance have been trying all week to agree on a name and a strategy to govern without a majority.

Macron’s comments have been met with howls of anger on the left, including from the railway workers’ branch of the CGT, which responded by calling for protests on July 18, the day when the newly elected parliament is scheduled to convene.

It said the protests should take place in front of prefectures, the seats of state authority all around the country, and in front of the National Assembly in Paris, to demand that the NFP form a government.

“Let’s not allow our victory to be stolen from us!,” its statement concluded.

Binet said “all of us should take part in these gatherings to keep the National Assembly under scrutiny and ensure that the people’s vote is respected”, hinting that protests could continue during the Olympics if Macron did not comply.

“At this stage, we haven’t planned any strikes during the Olympics, but if Macron continues to throw petrol on to the flames ...” she said, without finishing her sentence. The Olympics start on July 26.

Options for government include a broad coalition, a minority government or a technocratic government led by a non-politically affiliated person, which would seek to pass laws in parliament on a case-by-case basis, with ad hoc agreements.

The head of the larger, more moderate CFDT union, Marylise Leon, said the NFP’s programme should be the starting point for the next government.

“That’s what the citizens voted for. It’s important to respect their vote,” she said on France Inter radio.

NFP leaders have given no sign that they were prepared to break up the bloc, which was hastily assembled to unite the left against the far-right National Rally, which came first in European elections in June and in the first round of the legislative election.

However, days of feverish talks have yet to yield a consensus candidate for prime minister from within NFP ranks. France Unbowed leaders have said one of them should get the job as they won the most seats out of NFP member parties, but the electoral maths is disputed because some lawmakers have yet to declare their allegiance.

Cape Times