Conviction of woman linked to selling child with albinism commended

The woman approached James Mthembu, who is a traditional healer. She told him that she could arrange for an 11-year-old child with albinism from her neighbourhood for him to use in his traditional medicine. Picture: Ichigo121212/Pixabay

The woman approached James Mthembu, who is a traditional healer. She told him that she could arrange for an 11-year-old child with albinism from her neighbourhood for him to use in his traditional medicine. Picture: Ichigo121212/Pixabay

Published Jan 23, 2023


Durban — KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza has commended law enforcement agencies for convicting a woman linked to selling a child with albinism.

The Ingwavuma Regional Court recently sentenced a 34-year-old woman to 20 years’ imprisonment after she was convicted for attempting to traffic a child in the Manguzi area.

KZN National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said that in June 2016, the woman approached James Mthembu, who is a traditional healer.

She told him that she could arrange for an 11-year-old child with albinism from her neighbourhood for him to use in his traditional medicine.

She said she wanted R100 000 in return and that he could contact her if he wanted to see the child.

Mthembu reported her offer, to the police, asking them to accompany him. The police thought the information might assist them with a missing child case they were working on at the time. Mthembu arranged to meet the woman and she was arrested.

“In sentencing the woman, the court declared her unfit to possess a firearm. The court further ordered that a social worker go to the woman’s house and assess the situation regarding her own children,” Ramkisson-Kara said.

Khoza welcomed the stiff sentence handed down.

She also applauded the judgment and expressed her gratitude for the work done by law enforcement agencies.

“Our law enforcement agencies worked diligently during the lengthy investigation to secure such a conviction. This is proof of their commitment to work around the clock to fight the harm caused by individuals who commit such heinous crimes,” Khoza said.

She said the department and other sectors had been working hard to ensure the prosecution of suspects accused of attacking and killing people with albinism.

“The sentencing of the woman involved in such a crime should send a strong message to those who continue violating the rights of people with albinism. We hope that this will serve as a deterrent to all those involved in such inhumane acts, that the government would not tolerate such violation of human rights,” Khoza said.

Khoza said the woman’s arrest and conviction indicated the excellent relationship in the justice cluster.

She said the attacks on people with albinism had left them vulnerable and anxious.

“We cannot have such situations in our communities where a certain sector faces a high risk of attack and always walks with fear on our streets. As a caring government, we have been committed to fighting this and we are working with the sector to ensure the protection and safety of people with albinism.”

The MEC also applauded the traditional healer for alerting the police.

“We need more such traditional healers who are honest and willing to expose wrongdoings. Human flesh doesn't make any medicine. Killing a person is cruelty and all those involved in such must face the law. We have had several engagements with traditional healers, as the department, and they are very clear that no healing can even be done with human body parts,” Khoza said.

She also urged communities to continue fighting for justice for vulnerable groups and victims of crime.

“As a society, we cannot claim to be free while criminals continue to take advantage of vulnerable groups. We need to isolate all those involved in such a crime. We cannot be set back by the achievement done by our government in dealing with such cases.”

Daily News