Pupils give ‘thank you’ concert for donations

Makabongwe pupils at a “thank you” concert given to the Daily News Milk Fund. | Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

Makabongwe pupils at a “thank you” concert given to the Daily News Milk Fund. | Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

Published Aug 23, 2024


Durban — The Daily News Milk and Welfare Fund were treated to a ‘thank you’ concert and tea at the Makabongwe Methodist Pre-School in Johannes Nkosi (Alice) Street on Thursday.

School Principal Kate Baker said that the event was to thank people and companies for their donations to the school over the years.

Baker, who has led the school for two years said the school had become her “happy place”. She said she was teaching in the private sector for 17 years and feels like she is finally doing what she got into teaching to do.

The Daily News Milk and Welfare Fund was treated to a ‘thank you’ concert and tea by Makabongwe Methodist Preschool in Johannes Nkosi Street on Thursday. Among those present were, back row from left: Alix Cheshire, school governing body member; Sushie Munsamy, Independent Newspapers CSI assistant; Livingstone Pillay, chairperson of the Daily News Milk Fund; Sameera Kareem, CSI manager; the school’s governing body chairperson, Jessica Williams, and (in front) Kate Baker, the school’s principal along with her pupils. | Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers.

Chairperson of the School Governing Body, Jessica Williams, said that the school started in 1995 and has grown to accommodate approximately 190 pupils from Durban Central and surrounding areas. Many pupils have parents who are hawkers or come from underprivileged families.

She said that the school provides quality education and teachers are properly qualified.

Baker said that donations over the years have assisted them with a jungle gym and other amenities.

“Other professionals have donated through their work, such as electricians who only charge for material and provide the school free labour,” Baker said.

However, Williams said that although they receive government subsidies, they take around four months before they payout and during that time, they would have to pay teachers and other bills. She said that is when donations come in handy.

Makabongwe Pre-school children in their classroom during a Milk Fund Thanks giving event. Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers.

Chairman of the Daily News Milk Fund who is also Independent Media’s National Head of Circulation and Distribution, Livingstone Pillay, said the concert was a nice experience. He also said that anyone can make a difference by contributing to the fund with what little they have.

“Every rand goes a long way. On average we feed about 25000 babies a month and provide milk to 170 crèches and schools. We know for a fact that for some of the pupils that meal is probably the only that they will have that day.”

Pillay said that the Milk Fund was started by Daily News staff about 80 years ago when they decided to put money together and donate to a children’s home for Christmas. The tradition has continued.

From left: Independent Newspapers CSI Manager Sameera Kareem, Chairman of Daily News Milk Fund Livingstone Pillay and Independent Newspapers CSI Assistant Sushi Munsamy at Makabongwe Pre-school during a “thank you” concert. | Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

Referring to Makabongwe Methodist Pre-School, Sameera Kareem, CSI Manager of the Daily News Milk Fund, said what started as a small initiative to help informal vendors had grown into a nurturing environment for children aged 2 to 6.

“Spending the morning at Makabongwe Pre School was truly touching. As a beneficiary of the Daily News Milk Fund, this school is close to our hearts. The dedication of the staff, along with the ongoing support from donors, has made Makabongwe a special place for these young pupils.

“Seeing the kids express their gratitude through the thank you concert and tea was a humbling experience.

“The daily meals they receive, supported by the milk and porridge we provide, are a small part of their day that we’re proud to contribute to. This morning reaffirmed the importance of the work we do together.”

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