Some eThekwini swimming pools closed due to damage caused by heavy rains

The eThekwini Municipality announced that a handful of swimming pools have been closed due to infrastructure damages following heavy rains. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

The eThekwini Municipality announced that a handful of swimming pools have been closed due to infrastructure damages following heavy rains. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

Published Jan 14, 2024


Durban — Despite the eThekwini Municipality announcing that some swimming pools will be closed due to damage caused after heavy rains. However, this has garnered mixed reactions from the public.

In a brief statement on its Facebook page on Sunday morning, the municipality informed the public that some of its swimming pools would be closed due to damage caused by the heavy rains on Saturday.

The swimming pools are:

  • Pipeline
  • Inyoni
  • Arena Park
  • KwaMashu G
  • South Beach Paddling

“Infrastructure at some of the swimming pools was damaged, which affected the water quality. Municipal staff are attending to the damages,” the municipality said.

“The public will be informed once the pools reopen.”

The municipality apologised for any inconvenience caused.

James Andrew said: “OK, I’m impressed with the prompt response time for assessing the damage. The municipality has over 30 functioning municipal pools, all of these pools that are mentioned in today’s post were previously operational and open to the public as recently as January 11, 2024, sometimes we need to give credit where it’s due and acknowledge the effort certain departments of the municipality makes.”

Rick Crouch said: “My pool has been experiencing heavy rain and storms every night for the last few weeks and it is going along just fine, so I don’t really believe your story, always blaming the weather.”

Samantha Christine Tucker said “Wow. I can't believe people’s mindsets. I own a swimming pool business and pools take an absolute beating with the rains, damaged infrastructure is highly plausible. The surroundings and the existing infrastructure contribute to the outcome and not all pools survive unscathed.”

Cherylean Harripersadh said: “I went to Inyoni pool last week and it was closed so I’m not sure who you are bluffing, us or yourself. Please do some research and give us feedback as to why the Inyoni pool is closed.”

Anlie MacDonald said: “Please post photos of damages as our pools are all fine.”

Pandhari Aryan said: “Oh, okay. Houses damaged, maybe people were killed in the torrential floods yesterday (Saturday). But let's talk about the pools. #PrayForThePools.”

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