EFF accuses Sports, Arts, and Culture of targeting Makhadzi

Makhadzi. The EFF says contrary to what the Sports, Arts and Culture Department claims, the payments to Makhadzi are for the work she has done, not merely free support. Picture: FacebookPicture: Facebook

Makhadzi. The EFF says contrary to what the Sports, Arts and Culture Department claims, the payments to Makhadzi are for the work she has done, not merely free support. Picture: FacebookPicture: Facebook

Published Jul 10, 2024


The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has criticised the Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture for unfairly targeting Makhadzi. It claims recent actions by the department have “unjustly victimised the talented and hard working artist Makhadzi”.

According to the statement, the controversy started when Minister McKenzie promised to stop spending money on official supporters, which immediately led to criticism. The department came under fire for not supporting Makhadzi's trip to the US.

Instead of addressing this, the department revealed the amounts they had paid Makhadzi for her performances, which the EFF called “disingenuous and reprehensible”, suggesting it was an attempt to show these payments as support.

The EFF said that the payments to Makhadzi were for the work she did, not just free support. “To insinuate otherwise is to undermine her achievements and hard work,” the statement said.

The party also has urged the department to focus on tackling widespread mismanagement and corruption within its ranks, rather than targeting a successful black woman who has brought pride to the nation.

The statement also highlighted the department’s historical failure to support artists adequately. “During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was the EFF who stepped in to provide the necessary aid to struggling artists when the department fell short.

“This department has even earned the moniker ‘Department of Condolences’ due to its tendency to offer platitudes rather than tangible support,” the statement said.

The EFF has called on the department to shift its focus towards ending wasteful spending and corruption within its operations.

They emphasise the need for the department to implement effective programmes that genuinely support artists. They also want McKenzie to keep his promises without blaming artists like Makhadzi, who show how great South Africa’s creative side is.

The EFF pledged its full support for Makhadzi and all artists working to promote South African arts and culture internationally.

“We demand that the department retract their misleading statements and issue a formal apology to Makhadzi for their baseless and damaging insinuations.

“It is time for the department to genuinely support our artists and uphold the dignity of their contributions to our national heritage,” the statement said.