The Kiffness sends shout-out to ‘haters’ after robbing incident while on US tour

David Scott aka The Kiffness. Picture: Instagram

David Scott aka The Kiffness. Picture: Instagram

Published Nov 9, 2023


Local musician David Scott, widely known by his stage name, The Kiffness, recently embarked on a North American tour with his band and crew.

After a series of sold-out shows in New York and Philadelphia, the band were supposed to perform in Detroit on Tuesday night.

Unfortunately, that never materialised.

Taking to The Kiffness’ official X account, Scott explained that some gear from the band’s van had been stolen.

“Between getting a new van, new equipment, police reports, we just don't have enough time to get the show ready,” Scott told disappointed fans.

According to reports, the stolen items were worth more than R90,000.

In a follow-up post, Scott assured worried fans that no one was hurt, the gear was insured, and ended with a cheeky swipe, “Haters reading this have chest pains”.

Looking at the glass half full, he said news of the theft made it onto Fox News, which proved some great publicity for the band.

During an interview with the news channel, Scott said that their van was parked in a secure parking.

“The van got broken into, and unfortunately, quite a lot of gear got taken,” he added.

Making a last-ditch plea to the public, Scott said: “If anyone’s watching this, and you see someone walking down the street with a guitar or a ukulele, maybe we can get it back in time.”

Thankfully, the band appear to have put the unfortunate incident behind them and performed in Chicago on Wednesday night.

IOL Entertainment