A Janus-faced Santoni’s luck finally runs out on ‘Survivor SA: Immunity Island’



Published Aug 26, 2021


Of all the castaways on M-Net’s “Survivor SA: Immunity Island”, Santoni was without a doubt the most annoying and two-faced.

It certainly was a far cry from the free-spirited, fun-loving person we were introduced to at the start of the show.

Perhaps, the game just brought out the worst in her.

With each passing day in the game, it was clear that she was no threat when it came to any of the challenges.

Her forte laid more in her putting her foot in it, ratting people out and, when pushed into a corner, throwing some of them under the bus.

And let’s be honest, she’s been riding on Chappies’ coattails for the better part of the game.

But before getting to the incendiary tribal council meeting, this is what went down.

Back at camp after Wardah’s exit, Chappies told Tyson he would not be tolerating any disrespect from him.

Tyson basically told him to “f**k off” and felt Chappies was the last person who should be talking about disrespect.

There is clearly no love lost between the two. And Tyson was even more focused on operation get-rid-of-Chappies.

But tensions at Osindile simmered after the reward challenge as the tribe were helped by a loved one.

There were tears all around and the normally poker-faced Tyson even softened when he saw his best friend.

Host Nico Panagio was as surprised as his tribemates.

Although Chappies won the challenge and the opportunity to choose two people to go up against him for the individual immunity challenge, everyone got to spend the afternoon with their loved one and bonded over burgers and beers.

The remaining tribe members got some quality time with their loved ones. Picture: Supplied

While everyone played catchup, Kiran, the master puppeteer in the game, spotted an immunity idol and retrieved it with the help of Nicole’s brother.

This was a definite game-changer for the “League of Shadows” alliance between Kiran, Tyson and Anela. And Kiran carefully mapped out his next play: getting rid of Nicole, who was in possession of a fire idol.

With Chappies winning the individual immunity idol for the third time, Nicole was an even bigger threat for them.

This was a risky gambit and one Anela wasn’t comfortable with as he wanted Santoni out, as per their original agreement.

While big plays were being plotted, Santoni’s paranoia got the better of her. She eyed everyone – well, everyone except Chappies – with suspicion.

In a game, where “outwit, outplay and outlast” guarantees survival, Anela made a bold, albeit foolish move to have Kiran voted out.

But when his new alliance – Santoni, Nicole and Chappies – made a counterproposal on the execution of the plan, he backtracked.

Head between his tails, he filled Kiran in on what transpired and, in so doing, broke his former alliances trust.

Kiran then let Tyson in on the new development and he wasn’t happy with Anela either.

Kiran’s beady eye spotted an immunity idol. Picture: Supplied

At tribal council, Kiran’s pent up anger boiled over and he outed Anela for his duplicitous play.

While Anela tried to explain himself, saying he played with his heart and not his head and that he felt Kiran was one of the strongest players, Santoni challenged Kiran on being two-faced too.

He lashed back at her for “doing him dirty too”. In his outrage, he said: “You can’t act the victim but be a predator.”

Kiran also made it clear that he would be playing his immunity idol for himself.

Before Nico could tally the votes, Nicole played her fire idol. And the two people with the most votes – Santoni and Tyson – went head-to-head in a fire-making challenge.

Unfortunately, Santoni’s luck ran out and she found her flame extinguished.

She said: “I wasn’t ready to leave the game. But I’ve said from the beginning, everything will happen as it had to.

“And seeing all the animosity from everyone tonight maybe I didn’t have a chance to make it to the final three.

“But I’m very proud of myself. My money is on Chappies and Nicole and I really hope one of them brings it home.”

“Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island” airs on M-Net (DStv channel 101) on Thursday at 7.30pm.

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