Youth Day: 5 minutes with actress Buntu Petse

Buntu Petse Picture: Instagram

Buntu Petse Picture: Instagram

Published Jun 16, 2020


Emerging actress, Buntu Petse landed her first acting role on one of South Africa's popular daily soaps, "Generations: The Legacy".

She plays the character, Nontle, a high school teenager on a mission. She and her best friend Melokuhle lead a big storyline on the show which deals with climate change.  

We spoke to the actress to find out more about herself and thoughts on the industry.  

What roles do you prefer? 

I would play any character and take on any storyline as long as I am being challenged. As an actress I would grow from it. 

What do you enjoy about playing Nontle? 

Nontle is younger than me yet she has taught me to be brave and speak up. 

Being new in the industry, what are your thoughts on #OpenUpTheIndustry? 

I'm a new face in the industry so I'm grateful for the movement. It has been influential in that I have been given this opportunity. On the other hand, #OpenUpTheIndustry should go hand in hand with more job opportunities for actors who are already in.

What are some issues facing youth today? 

Among many, I find social media has its fair share of issues for the youth. From amplifying peer pressure to prohibiting genuine face to face interaction and social skills. It can be quite dangerous to the mental wellbeing of a young person.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

Married, with a child, living in a beautiful home that I own. But more importantly, doing what I love the most. Acting.

You're industry role models? 

I am so lucky to be working with the likes of Samela Tyelbooi and Vusi Kunene.

Your dream role? 

A chief detective in my own series. Catching the bad guys! 

Any advice for young talent? 

Let go of the past, for it only brings sorrow, don't stress for the future, it'll only bring you worry. Just take each day as it comes and show up for yourself.

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