Much-needed inspiration from cancer survivor

Ultra-marathon runner, mother and cancer survivor, amputee Jacky Hunt-Broersma has run 102 marathons in 102 days. Here she has just completed 100 days B2B marathons. She grew up in Pretoria and now lives in the US. Picture: Edwin Broersma

Ultra-marathon runner, mother and cancer survivor, amputee Jacky Hunt-Broersma has run 102 marathons in 102 days. Here she has just completed 100 days B2B marathons. She grew up in Pretoria and now lives in the US. Picture: Edwin Broersma

Published Apr 30, 2022


We all need a bit of inspiration every once in a while, and perhaps more often in this province in recent years.

With the Covid lockdowns, looting and flooding all coming in quick succession, nobody would blame us for indulging in a pity party.

After a succession of such calamities, even the most optimistic among us could be forgiven for feeling mentally battered and bruised, even if they were not physically affected by the disasters. And the continuing water shortages resulting from the flooding are not helping matters.

Even Pollyanna would struggle to find something positive after days of being unable to bathe properly, wash dishes or flush the toilet.

At times like these, it helps to have a Jacky Hunt-Broersma to look at for inspiration, and we’re thrilled to bring you her story today (see Page 3).

A cancer diagnosis is a scary enough prospect on its own – there are two young(ish) relatives heroically fighting battles – but to learn that you also have to lose a leg?

However, not only has Hunt-Broersma beaten the cancer and come to terms with losing a limb but she has completed 102 marathons in 102 days using a blade prosthesis.

If that’s not inspiration to tackle our own problems with a “game on!” face, I don’t know what is.

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