Choosing a pet is no small decision. Picture supplied.
Covid-19 brought a lot of anxiety, but animal adoptions were the next best thing amid the uncertainty.
According to the CDC, pet ownership has increased, and human birth rates have decreased. In fact, they have dropped to their lowest level since 1979.
However, choosing a pet is no small decision. The investment isn’t only monetary (although we all know that feeding and caring for a fur baby does impact the wallet) – it’s a commitment in time, energy, and love as well.
But as any dedicated pet owner will tell you, it’s all worth it.
However, selecting the best pet for your living, working, and family circumstances can be a time consuming procedure that needs to be considered carefully.
According to Tarryn Dent, the Business Unit Lead for Companion Animals at Zoetis South Africa (Zoetis), if lucky, families can enjoy ten to 16 years with their pets, so making this decision involves much thought and consideration.
Dent has five top tips that people should take into account before choosing a pet:
Space and living arrangements
When considering pet ownership, it is important to ensure the living space is suitable for the size and breed of pet and to pet-proof the home to ensure safety and comfort. For example, cats generally require less space than dogs, but some dog breeds require large gardens for exercise or daily walks.
Time and commitment
Having a pet necessitates a fair bit of time commitment. Pets require daily care, such as feeding, grooming, and exercise, as well as emotional support. Make sure that you have the time to spend with your pet and that your schedule provides the required attention and care.
To assess if a pet would fit into your lifestyle, consider your daily schedule and activities, as well as your plans. If you travel regularly or have a busy schedule, a pet may not be a suitable choice unless you want your furry buddies to accompany you.
Pet ownership can be costly, with expenses such as food, toys, grooming supplies, and medical care. It's a good idea to get pet insurance and to set aside money for unexpected expenses. To avoid future difficulties, budget for frequent veterinary appointments and preventative treatments like a tick and flea routine.
To ensure that a pet is a good fit for your lifestyle and living arrangements, research its breed, size, personality, and energy level. Spend time with possible pets at animal shelters to get a sense of their personalities and activity levels. Adopt a pet instead of purchasing one, if possible.
Keeping up with vaccines is one of the most critical things a pet owner should do. "This safeguards pets and their owners. A vaccination schedule helps owners remember which shots are required when they take their pets to the vet for a check-up,’’ cautioned Dent.
She adds, the same as with humans, healthy pets live healthier and happier lives. To ensure your pet has healthy skin, healthy teeth, and a good, balanced diet, make sure that you include your pet in your exercise routine if you're getting active this year.
Taking a walk every day offers tremendous health benefits for people and their pets. This is a great way to spend time together and get your heart rate up at the same time, said Dent.
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