Why your dog is your best friend ‘furever’

Picture Brenton Geach

Picture Brenton Geach

Published Dec 12, 2010


He is the one you can always turn to when you’re in a fix. He knows when you’re tired, upset or unwell – and is the one companion who’s always pleased to see you.

Sound familiar? Only if you have a dog or a cat, it seems.

And although we’re used to the old adage about man’s best friend, the affinity between an animal lover and their pet could run far deeper than we realised. In many cases, they are a companion we value even more than our partner or next of kin.

According to a poll, about 45 percent of British dog and cat owners believe their pet knows when they are happy and sad and can sense when they are tired or unwell.

Almost a third of those questioned said their pet was a much better listener than their partner.

Forty-one percent of dog owners believe their pooch loves them more than their human other half and 24 percent say they would rather spend quality time with their animal companion than their spouse.

Perhaps there’s a good reason for that. Unlike many people, pets can be relied on not to gossip, which could explain why almost one in 10 of those surveyed admitted to trusting their pet with a secret that they would not dare to divulge to even their closest human friend.

What’s more, Fido and Tiddles are also never too busy to be made a fuss of.

Chris Laurence, who is veterinary director of the Dogs Trust and director of the Feline Advisory Bureau, said: “Dogs and cats are always responsive. If you walk up to a cat and stroke it, it will invariably purr. If you tickle your dog behind the ears, it will wag its tail. But humans aren’t quite like that.”

Fifteen percent of the men and women questioned said they loved their pet so much they used its image for their Facebook profile picture.

One in 12 of those questioned owned up to throwing their dog or cat an annual birthday party, inviting their pets’ best friends over for their favourite pet food cake.

And with our penchant for giving dogs and cats human-like attributes, it is perhaps no surprise that traditional names like Spot and Scrappy are being shunned for the likes of Dave, Alan and Sharon.

TV vet Emma Milne said: “The joy and companionship our pets bring to our lives is unquestionable and it is no wonder that many consider them to be man’s best friend.” – Daily Mail

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