Running on trails gives your brain a workout too, as the technical aspects can be quite challenging as you navigate tricky terrain and use different parts of your brain. Picture Henk Kruger/ANA Pics
Trail running has so many benefits to your well-being including improved cardiovascular performance, better balance, and improved mental health.
According to Henriette Albon, in a stylist report, “trail running is a bit more involved but the benefit is that you’re out in nature.
“You’re moving in nicer terrain, which can help to relax your body and mind in a different way to moving on paved roads with skyscrapers around you,’’ she shares.
Previous studies have shown a high prevalence of disordered eating and mental illness in trail runners and ultrarunners, increased risk for relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S), and inadequate intra-race fuelling strategies.
However, running on trails gives your brain a workout too, as the technical aspects can be quite challenging as you navigate tricky terrain and use different parts of your brain.
If you want to share all the benefits of this increasingly popular sport with your kids, here are some tips on how to get them involved:
1.Make it goal based
As adults we know that activities are so much easier to achieve if there’s a specific goal in mind. In the same way, you can make your trail runs with children goal based, offering them a “reward” when it is completed.
For example, instead of running round and round in a loop, run on a trail to a waterfall instead and have a swim, or make sure there’s a picnic by a lake at the end, or a specific viewpoint over the mountains to enjoy together at the top.
When children know they’re working towards something, they’ll be more motivated and inspired.
You could also enter some races, like the Fedhealth Platinum Trail Run happening this year on June 5, 2022 around the beautiful Buffelspoort Dam in the North West, with views of the Magaliesberg along the route.
There’s also a special 2.5km loop designed specifically with kids in mind, with loads of other fun events arranged to keep them busy and entertained.
2. Don’t force the running part
We know this is a trail RUN, but don’t force your kids to run every step of the way, as that will only make it difficult and unenjoyable for them – especially when they’re just starting out. Begin with a combination, perhaps running on the flats and downhills and then walking the uphills?
Try setting small goals for each stretch of the run too: maybe it’s a race to that large tree at the bottom, or counting your steps to get to that gate in the far distance (they could borrow your fitness tracking watch for a bit as well).
3. Prioritise nourishment
Hydration is super important, so make sure you pack plenty of water for the whole family.
Good trail running snacks include nuts, raisins, yoghurt-covered rice cakes, and fresh fruit. Anything healthy and nutritious that can be carried easily and won’t spoil, are good options. Teaching them to carry their own supplies on the trail is also a good skill for them to learn, especially as they get older.
4. Make it fun!
Invite along friends with kids of similar ages, as the added element of some healthy competition always gets some personalities running faster and for longer!
The wonderful thing about trail running is how it exposes you to the beauty of nature – rather than hitting the tarmac, you’re out there in some of the most exquisite scenery our country has to offer.
Be sure to stop and appreciate it along the way, looking at any interesting flowers, mosses, insects, and animals as you pass them by.
Where to start?
According to, Albon in the stylist article, she states that the best place to start your trail running journey is in your local park.
“Jog down the road, go to your local park and explore the trails. Go off the beaten track and find those little paths on the side. Most importantly, have fun,” said Albon.
Furthermore, Albon states that if you’re a beginner it’s best to start with paths that aren’t too difficult.
Family pursuits like these are a great antidote to screen-based activities, allowing you to bond as a family unit while doing something healthy together in the outdoors.
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