Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Nov 6 - Nov 12)

Astrology / horoscope signs - scorpio

Astrology / horoscope signs - scorpio

Published Nov 6, 2022


Your Year Ahead

This year, you’re on the winning side of this game called “life”, so direct any extra energies toward specific goals. Watch, too, for an opportunity to make the best of your vital imagination.

Through the summer months, Mars introduces new friendship or romance. Passions look set to soar as, old or new, love promises delight.

Whether single or settled, update your image – don’t settle for the same old, same old. In the new year, Scorpios can openly flaunt their professional qualities.

Earnings increase but so does expenditure. Spend your cash, by all means but avoid excessive credit.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Most Ariens are over-achievers. This week, you’re even more over worked, over stressed and trying to balance work and play. But try you must. You’re no good to anyone in a permanent state of exhaustion. Right now, you need to slow it down. Then dissuade others from nudging you forward. Choose your own gear and stay in it.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Communication is your sword and shield this week, but there comes a point when words aren’t enough and your splendid ideas must be put to the test. The urge for independence also prompts a change in relationships. For singles: someone older may become a serious suitor. Established couples should hold on tight to what’s worthy.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

You’re upset, Gemini, and want to speak your mind. But if you have nothing nice to say, for now, it’s wiser to say nothing. Don’t make allegations that are hard to take back. Should you choose to push personal boundaries, be sure you can cope with the consequences. If feeling tired, take some time out to rest.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Forget your usual Cancerian caution. This week your need for fun is on par with any of the more uninhibited, go-getting zodiac signs. This means non-stop action; and, delightfully, even long held plans may be detoured by a surprise. Remain flexible for unexpected events, especially the loving kind.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

You’re on your moral high horse in a week when standing up for your principles could mean a solitary ride into the sunset. You can’t always expect others to please you. Equal opportunity means just that. If tripped up by the past, or a troublesome friend - look to compromise as a solution. A little bit of give and take can work wonders.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

This week finds most Virgos blessed with achievement and genuine joy. The universe sets its generous heart on rewarding you. You’ve been through some challenging times, for sure, but all that diligence should finally start to pay off. Take some time to reflect on the past few months, and then seize any new opportunity in front of you.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

What you love so much – your work, career and family–- have all been in a long process of transformation and, at times, it’s been a struggle. Cast off the worries, Libra, as all the heaviness starts to lift. This week, the planets offer fresh insights, and new solutions to old problems. You can finally start to relax.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

The Sun gives Scorpios a head start this week by rousing ambitions. Only the heavens know where all your extra energy will come from, but why question a good thing? Just get on with the business of being brilliant, and busy yourself with what motivates you. Your work possibilities expand, as does your financial outlook.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

You know your strengths but, occasionally, they abandon you. In a way it’s like stage fright, where the ability to perform is overridden by self-consciousness. Not so this week which allows most Sagittarians to make a fabulous impression in dazzling style. Update your image and pay closer attention to who appears on your scene.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

That old self-doubt is back again, but you’ll just have to scrape up your self-esteem and paste on your best smile. Most of the trouble is at home, so you’re in for some candid chat if there’s any hope of restoring the peace. Sometimes, it’s best to just forgive and forget. That means forgiving yourself, too.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Your competitive spirit shows an more aggressive edge this week, and this will serve you better than simply falling in line with others. You delight in your new-found ability to harass and hustle until you finally get your way. Even if the occasional obstacle challenges your confidence, this week the cosmos is on your side, and spurs you on.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

It’s high time that others realised you’re an individual, not their personal servant. Your devotion to duty is inspiring, but the planets warn that no amount of success can replace strong health once it’s been lost. Some kind of financial or personal dispute may place additional strain on an overwrought nervous system.