Wife decides to sleep naked to stop her husband’s buddy from barging into their room

Wife decides to sleep naked. Picture: Pexels/Vladimir Konoplev

Wife decides to sleep naked. Picture: Pexels/Vladimir Konoplev

Published Oct 3, 2022


Sometimes one has to take drastic action to get a message across.

When this 29-year-old woman’s husband's best friend moves into their home, she just about had enough of the buddy barging into their room and decided to take action to stop it.

However, what she decided to do did not go down too well with her hubby.

Here’s what happened.

Jacob, the hubby’s best friend, moved in with the couple, and while he is quiet and not messy, he has a habit if of walking into the couple’s bedroom randomly to take stuff from her husband's closet.

“He does it more frequently and it's gotten increasingly annoying. I felt like my privacy was being violated because I'm a private person, I'd like to have quiet time reading or meditating” posts the woman on the Reddit group “Am I The A**hole”.

After he barged in at 11pm one night and interrupted her sleep, she decided to start sleeping on top of the bed, fully naked whenever she was in the room.

Of course, he barged right into her trap!

“Last night, Jacob walked in at 10pm while I was there and when he saw me, he let out a loud "sh*t" and quickly turned around and rushed out” she says in the post.

While she had hoped that her husband would come to her defence, his response was instead nasty and in no way supportive.

“I was met with a lot of yelling and scolding and shaming from my husband, saying I was out of line to expose “his brother” to “such horrendous sight”. I asked what he meant, and he yelled at me to stop acting dumb. I said I felt frustrated after my privacy got violated, and he went on about how Jacob was only there to grab something which literally takes seconds, then went on about how I made him uncomfortable while describing my behaviour as “sl*tty”.

“The argument got heated and he told me to start putting some decent clothes on and act like a lady instead of a sl*t since it's his room too and he already gave permission. I got mad and told him loudly that I will keep sleeping on bed naked as long as his friend keeps walking into the room then I walked off.”

“He didn't stop complaining and complaining, saying I'm being ridiculous and even suggested that this was an attempt from me to make Jacob move out.”

Her plan clearly didn’t sit well with her husband, and now she wants to know, “AITA for telling my husband that I'll continue to sleep on bed naked as long as his friend keeps barging in to the room?”

What do you think?