Dog theft in SA – what you need to know

Losing a dog is very traumatic and losing a family must be traumatic for a dog too.

Losing a dog is very traumatic and losing a family must be traumatic for a dog too.

Published Feb 14, 2022


As a dog owner, you know that dogs are so much more than just objects with financial value. They are sentient beings; we love them and interact with them as part of our family.

Losing a dog is very traumatic and losing a family must be traumatic for a dog too. Yet there is an increase in dog theft, not just in South Africa but in many countries across the world.

Why do criminals steal dogs?

Ironically, one of the reasons for the increase in dog theft is our love for them. We are willing to pay relatively large sums of money for a purebred dog or even a cute crossbreed puppy. This makes it a lucrative business for criminals who steal intact dogs for breeding, steal entire litters of puppies to sell (and provide fake pedigrees papers if asked), and steal adult purebred dogs to resell. A new way criminals exploit our love for dogs is to kidnap a dog and then demand a ransom from the owner.

Tactics used to steal dogs.

Dog thieves understand dog behaviour and use it to their advantage. They can read a dog’s body language and know which dogs are friendly and easy targets. They use food as bait, or lure intact male dogs by using a bitch in oestrus. Dogs in public places, such as parks and beaches, that are not on a leash are also easy targets for thieves.

How to reduce the risk of your dog getting stolen.

  • Be aware of the problem and always remain vigilant. Criminals prey on easy and unsuspecting targets.
  • Do not take your dog’s leash off in public spaces and make sure that your dog is trained to return to you on a recall command.
  • Do not leave your dog unattended anywhere. This includes not leaving them in your car or tied-up outside a shop.
  • If someone else takes your dog for walks, make sure that person can take care of your dog in public places. Some dog walkers take multiple dogs for walks at the same time, making them easy targets for criminals.
  • Use social media very carefully. Posting about your new pedigree pup can be very tempting, but it could be seen by the wrong people. Also, be very careful about posting your location. Avoid providing any information that a criminal will find useful.
  • Secure your property well and do not view your dogs as guard dogs (unless they are specifically trained for that).
  • Sterilise your dog(s). Not only are criminals more likely to steal intact dogs, but it is also easier for them to lure intact male dogs using a bitch in oestrus.
  • Let your dog(s) sleep inside your house at night. Although dog theft happens in broad daylight too, most crimes are committed at night.
  • Make sure your dog is microchipped. This will not prevent theft, but it will help to identify your dog if it is found.
  • Get a GPS tracker collar for your dog. Although they might be removed from stollen dogs, it might not happen immediately and could assist in recovering your dog.

Actions to take if your dog is stolen.

  • Immediately post an alert and request for help on all the social media platforms that you are active on.
  • Make sure that you have recent pictures of your pet that you can post. Make your post stand out to make sure people read it, take note, and forward it.
  • Post follow ups until your dog is found.
  • Notify the SPCA and veterinary clinics in your area and make sure they have your dog’s pictures and microchip number.
  • If your dog is not found, follow up regularly so that they know it has not been found yet.
  • Notify the microchip service provider.
  • Report the theft to the police.

Can anything be done to decrease dog thefts?

As pet buyers, we should also be very careful about where we buy our pets from. Make sure you buy purebred dogs only from a reputable breeder whom you can visit to see where and under which conditions the dogs are kept. Do not buy puppies from children in the street or any people selling puppies on the street. As tempting as this is, it only makes the problem worse. Such cases must be reported to the relevant SPCA and police station. Please report any other suspicious activities and individuals to the SPCA and police too.

These tips can help you protect your dog from being stolen, but only great insurance can help you protect your dog against illness and accidental injury.

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