Msunduzi Municipality calls for naming and shaming of litterbugs

Msunduzi Mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla who has appealed for residents to dispose refuse in a responsible manner. File Picture: Supplied

Msunduzi Mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla who has appealed for residents to dispose refuse in a responsible manner. File Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 4, 2023


Durban - Msunduzi Municipality has once again appealed to locals to refrain from littering their surroundings, calling for the reporting of anyone engaging in such an exercise.

In addition to this, the municipality has issued a warning of tough sanction against anyone found to be involved in littering. According to the municipality, in recent weeks there have been episodes in which individuals and business operators have been caught littering, and the municipality acted against them.

A statement issued on Tuesday cited another incident where the municipality pounced on an offender who was caught littering.

“Rubble was being disposed of by a vehicle. A ticket was issued, and the vehicle was impounded,” said the municipality.

According to the municipality, while measures will be taken by authorities to clamp down on littering, only the involvement of citizens will ensure the success of the initiative to keep the city clean.

“Residents and businesses are encouraged to dispose of rubble in a legal and appropriate manner by using the permitted garden sites and the landfill site,” the statement read.

During the budget presentation in June at City Hall, Msunduzi Mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla lamented the levels of filth in some parts of the municipality, and appealed for residents to be responsible and to work towards keeping their surroundings clean.