Msunduzi says its employee was not 'making up' meter readings after video goes viral

A meter reader employed by Msunduzi Municipality was captured on video allegedly recording readings while sitting at a bus shelter. Picture: Screen grab of video.

A meter reader employed by Msunduzi Municipality was captured on video allegedly recording readings while sitting at a bus shelter. Picture: Screen grab of video.

Published Dec 11, 2022


Durban - The Msunduzi Municipality has denied allegations that its meter reader, who was recorded while sitting under a bus shelter writing, was fabricating meter readings.

In a statement the municipality said it was aware of video footage circulating on social media platforms in relation to a meter reader allegedly capturing meter readings while sitting under a bus shelter.

The matter was brought to the attention of the city manager, who called for an urgent investigation into the matter.

“We can confirm that a municipal meter reader was assigned to undertake meter readings. Upon completion of her task she contacted the driver who was transporting her and other meter readers as she was ready to go back to the office and submit her reports. As she was waiting for the transport, she was going over her day’s work,” it said.

It said the meter reader was approached by a councillor who was recording her without obtaining consent from her.

She and the driver who arrived were neither given an opportunity to explain to the councillor as he forcefully confiscated the documentation from them. They then fled the scene in fear for their safety, said the municipal statement.

The municipality said upon investigating the matter, senior management assigned another team to the same properties to collect new meter readings.

“We can confirm that the readings captured by the meter reader in question are in fact accurate. It is unfortunate that the employee suffered this level of harassment and has had her reputation tarnished in this manner,” the municipality added.

It expressed concern that the councillor chose to post the unfounded allegations on social media, which have misled members of the community and further displayed consumers’ personal details in another video which is against the Protection of Personal Information Act.