'Shame on DA' for using Kathrada’s name, says ANC

Ahmed Kathrada. l HENK KRUGER

Ahmed Kathrada. l HENK KRUGER

Published May 24, 2023


Durban – The ANC described the DA’s use of Ahmed Kathrada while referring to the Employment Equity Amendment Act during a rally on Saturday in Chatsworth, Durban, as shameful.

DA leader John Steenhuisen delivered a speech in the predominantly Indian community and called for the community to launch a new defiance campaign against the act by voting for the DA at the polls.

In his speech, Steenhuisen said those present should “consider what Uncle Kathy would say about the ANC’s new racial quota law”.

The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation yesterday (Wednesday) not only distanced itself from remarks made by Steenhuisen, but the Foundation says its late patron and Struggle leader would have been appalled that his “Indianness” was being used for narrow political gain.

ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri yesterday (Wednesday) said it was “shameful for the DA to invoke the spirits of our ancestors and the stalwarts of liberation who were incarcerated”.

“Both Madiba and uncle Kathy were incarcerated at Robben Island by the same laws and systems that were put in place by the predecessors of the DA,” she told the SABC.

“Today you have to ask yourself why the DA finds it easy to use the icons of liberation, who stood for non-racialism, non-sexism and a democratic just and humane society.

“Why is it that they can’t invoke the spirits of their own ancestors who institutionalised the apartheid system? It is for the public to judge for themselves.”

She said Kathrada stood against what the modern day DA stands for.

“In fact he will be turning in his grave for his name to be associated with an effort to undermine the Employment Equity Amendment law which is not seeking to exclude Indian and Coloured members of our community from the labour market.

“It is seeking to further transform the labour market.”

The Kathrada Foundation said that while it appreciated the acknowledgement to Kathrada’s contribution to the Struggle, it wondered where was this appreciation when the stalwart died, as not a single national DA leader attended his funeral. It added that the DA also failed to ever engage Kathrada to better understand his political views and life.

“Without this, one wonders how the DA can even attempt to claim to know what would be his responses to current issues,” the foundation’s statement read.