China to punish those who 'glorify wars of invasion'

China to punish those who glorify wars of invasion: Picture:

China to punish those who glorify wars of invasion: Picture:

Published Apr 25, 2018


Beijing - China is reviewing a draft law

to protect the reputation and honour of "heroes and martyrs" and

punish those who "glorify wars of invasion", state media said on

Wednesday, amid public anger at people dressing up in Japanese

army uniforms.

China unveiled the law to protect heroes and martyrs in

December, and it is likely to be passed by the largely

rubber-stamp parliament.

Xi Jinping has ushered in new legislation aimed at securing

China from threats both within and outside its borders since

taking over as president in 2013, as well as presiding over a

sweeping crackdown on dissent and free speech.

China amended its criminal in November to extend punishments

for publicly desecrating the national flag and emblem to include

disrespecting the national anthem. Punishments include jail

terms of up to three years.

The latest proposed legislation is aimed at protecting the

reputation of martyrs - those who have given their lives for

China or the Communist Party - and who are already publicly

lauded in the country.

The official Xinhua news agency said that the second draft

of the law mandates punishment for "people who profane the deeds

and spirit of the heroes and martyrs and those who glorify wars

or acts of invasion".

It did not say what punishment they might receive.

The news agency said the wording was added following recent

incidents where Chinese people had dressed in Japanese World War

Two army uniforms and spread the pictures online "to glorify the

war of invasion", igniting widespread outrage in China.

"The legislation aims to promote patriotism and socialist

core values," Xinhua said.

Party history is a sensitive subject because so much of the

party's legitimacy rests on its position as claiming great

historical achievements, such as leading China to victory over

Japan during World War Two.

China and Japan have sparred frequently about their painful

history, with Beijing often accusing Tokyo of not properly

atoning for Japan's invasion of China before and during the war. 

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