Smoking ban enters into effect in Lebanon

A KwaZulu-Natal education specialist has called on the province's MPLs to assist in the fight against Kuber in schools.

A KwaZulu-Natal education specialist has called on the province's MPLs to assist in the fight against Kuber in schools.

Published Sep 3, 2012


Beirut -

A smoking ban in all indoor public spaces, including coffee shops, restaurants and bars, went into force in Lebanon on Monday under a new law which imposes stiff fines on violators.

The law, which was endorsed by Lebanon's parliament last year, also bans tobacco advertising.

Anyone caught smoking in banned areas faces a 90-dollar fine. Restaurants or cafes that breach the law risk fines of between 1,300 and 4,000 dollars.

Officials admit that it will be difficult to implement the ban in Lebanon, which has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The Health Ministry estimates that an estimated 65 per cent of Lebanese boys aged 13-15 years consume tobacco regularly, either by smoking cigarettes or waterpipes. - Sapa-dpa

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