'Nothing wrong with SA-market VWs'

New Jetta is typical of cars in SA fitted with EA189 engines.

New Jetta is typical of cars in SA fitted with EA189 engines.

Published Oct 5, 2015


Johannesburg - Volkswagen SA says the cheat software incorporated in some of its diesel vehicles makes no difference under South African regulations.

In a statement on Monday general manager for communications Matt Gennrich said the 'bench mode' software installed in Volkswagen and Audi passenger cars and VW light commercials fitted with the EA 189 turbodiesel engine - and he didn't deny that it's there - would not affect their CO2 values, so these remain exactly as published by VWSA.

In South Africa the compliance standard is EU2, he pointed out, and the EA189 engines sold here comply with that (older and lower) standard for nitrogen oxide emissions even when running in so-called 'dirty mode'.

He apologised to Volkswagen customers in South Africa for any uncertainty caused by "extensive international media coverage" of the Dieselgate saga. Vehicles with EA189 engines were technically safe and roadworthy, he stated, and met all the legal requirements under which they were approved for sale in South Africa.

Therefore, he concluded, no action was required by either the customer or VWSA dealers.

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