Punto is keen, clean and doubly green

Jamie Merrill learned to drive on a Fiat Punto 11 years ago. Not much has changed, he says.

Jamie Merrill learned to drive on a Fiat Punto 11 years ago. Not much has changed, he says.

Published Dec 14, 2012


This is the new Fiat Punto, which is odd because I'm pretty sure I learnt to drive in a “new” Fiat Punto 11 years ago and it was already pretty old then. Its latest incarnation doesn't really look much different. It's got a much brighter paint job than my first car, but cosmetically you'd have to be a real Fiat buff (bore) to notice (or care) about the dozen or so headlight, interior, side panel and rear-bumper tweaks.

Not that I didn't like my old, dark-green Punto. It had a 1.2-litre engine and wasn't weighed down with heavy extras such as air conditioning or too many unnecessary safety features such as airbags or traction control. This meant it could scoot when it had to and, with petrol costing less than R5 a litre and climate change still up for debate, I didn't really worry about the environment.

Today petrol has more than doubled in price and I get nasty pangs of guilt every time I test another gas guzzler.

Fiat's solution to this is the TwinAir. First fitted on the dinky Fiat 500 in 2010 the TwinAir (Engine of the Year in 2011) works by using just two cylinders with a reduced air flow entering the engine - not by the usual throttle valve route, but by a special set of computer-controlled inlet valves.


Lost you? Well, essentially Fiat has downsized its engine so it uses less fuel and emits under the magic number 100 grams of C02 per km to qualify for tax-free motoring. The car magazines went wild for it (and its throaty engine note) and now Fiat has fitted it to the Punto to give it a bit of sparkle. The firm has also added a six-speed gearbox, a dual-mass flywheel and a balancing countershaft.

Lost you again? Well, these are components used to reduce vibration. You see, the TwinAir is rather a raspy, vibrating little chap. And while this is fun on a twisty backroad, it rather encourages a heavy foot and became a little grating on the commute.

I drove this new Punto back home for the weekend to canvas opinion among friends and family who remember me bashing around in my original green machine. My sister loves the bright-green colour but most people don't seem that bothered. Only its farty exhaust gets remarked upon with one friend likening it a malfunctioning lawn mower or hair dryer.


He sort of has a point, but I soon discover the Punto has a bigger problem; it's awful to drive. I'm not sure if it was this bad 10 years ago, but the ride is mushy on the motorway yet unbearably firm at slow speeds. I'm not sure how this is even possible but I'm soon distracted again by the steering… or lack of it.

All of this would be fine if the engine delivered, but it doesn't. Yes, it offers better fuel economy than most small petrol cars, but the TwinAir never gets anywhere near its claimed 4.22 litres per 100km and I'm left feeling that Fiat has done a better marketing job on it than an engineering one.

Look deeper still and the firm is in real trouble with mounting losses and its five biggest plants in Italy working at only 50 percent of capacity. This should be a real shame because I loved my first Fiat, but the firm hasn't done enough to this one to really make it a contender. And I'm quickly realising what I knew deep down all along; I loved my green machine because it was my first car, not because it was any good.

It wasn't, and this isn't either. - The Independent


Engine capacity:875cc turbocharged petrol.

Power output:62kW at 5500.

Top speed:170km/h.

0-100:12.7 seconds

Fuel consumption (claimed):4.22 litres per 100 kilometres.

C02 emissions:98g/km.

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