Pandor expresses support for Palestine, Sahrawi, and Cuba during recent talk at Maties

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Dr Naledi Pandor visited Stellenbosch University as the guest of Student Action for Palestine, a collective body of Stellenbosch University students who stand in solidarity with Palestine. Picture: Leon Lestrade / Independent Newspapers.

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Dr Naledi Pandor visited Stellenbosch University as the guest of Student Action for Palestine, a collective body of Stellenbosch University students who stand in solidarity with Palestine. Picture: Leon Lestrade / Independent Newspapers.

Published May 23, 2024


Cape Town - International Relations and Co-operation (Dirco) Minister Naledi expressed support for the Sahrawis and Cuba, alongside its unwavering support for Palestine during an address at the University of Stellenbosch.

Pandor was a guest of Student Action For Palestine (SA4P), a student body at the university standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The address to students, staff and the broader public took place at the Stellenbosch University Museum on Wednesday, supported by Gift of the Givers.

“Since 1994, the country has been resolute in its support for Cuba and has led arguments internationally for the US to cease its unilateral, illegal, and unjust economic blockade against the island nation, a blockade that is now in its 62nd year.

“But the Cuban people continue to be denied access to lifesaving medicines, essential goods and the right to trade as any other sovereign nation. These are also injustices that need to be taken up by the global south and all progressive forces worldwide, to create a groundswell of popular support for an end to this blockade,” Pandor said.

“And of course our association with the people of Palestine, a very close one as the ANC and the government of South Africa has been in association linked to the similarities that there are between apartheid and the experiences of the people of Palestine. The same applies to the Sahrawi struggle for self-determination from Morocco.”

Pandor said all universities in Gaza have been destroyed, 395 schools bombed, 198 academics have been killed, and over 400 teachers killed, as a result of Israel’s military bombardment against the besieged Gaza strip since October 7, 2023.

“Children have not been to school since October last year. Students have not been to university and will not go to university because there are none. The national archive has been bombed, the national library has been bombed, all museums. This is another type of genocide – an education genocide which should be of concern to you as academics and students.”

Pandor expressed joy at the news that powerful nations Ireland, Spain and Norway are to recognise a Palestinian state formally on May 28.

“Here we are, being backed by very powerful countries of the world. We have also long ago supported the Palestinian UN bid for statehood.”

In 2012, Cabinet approved regulations requiring the labelling of all products for sale emanating from Occupied Palestinian territories, for them to be labelled as such.

“Because what was happening prior to 2012, is products produced by Palestinians were labelled as coming from Israel, which meant none of the excise duties went back to the Palestinian people but went to Israel, we changed that practice in 2012.”

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