Free State man handed 20 years of direct imprisonment for raping a girl

Tumelo Monyane, 20, was sentenced to 20 years in jail for rape. Picture: Bongiwe Mchunu. File picture: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Tumelo Monyane, 20, was sentenced to 20 years in jail for rape. Picture: Bongiwe Mchunu. File picture: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Published Oct 18, 2023


A 21-year-old Free State man has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for raping a girl in Somerspost, Zamdela.

Tumelo Monyane, 21, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for rape in the Sasolburg Regional Court on Tuesday.

It is alleged that in the early hours of Sunday, May 16, 2021, the victim was at her friend's house in Somerspost, Zamdela, when she met a male unknown to her.

The unknown man threatened the victim with a knife and lured her to a nearby park, where he raped her.

“After raping her, the suspect handed the victim to the second suspect, who was unknown to her. Monyane took the victim to a house nearby and raped her next to the toilet,” police spokesperson Sergeant Josephine Rani said.

“A witness found the suspect and the victim at the crime scene, and the victim told the witness that she was raped by the suspect,” Rani said.

Rani further added that the witness identified the suspect right after the suspect fled the scene on foot. The victim opened a case at Zamdela SAPS, and after a thorough investigation by Detective Sergeant Kelebohile Xola, Monyane was arrested.

“The first suspect was arrested later that month. He was discovered at the correctional service centre.

“Tumelo Monyane was sentenced for rape and declared unfit to possess a firearm by the Sasolburg Regional Court,” Rani said.

The case of the first suspect, Mafute Mokubung, still continues.

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