Top performing schools include Victoria Girls High School, Graeme College and Ntsika Senior Secondary School. Victoria Girls led the small town with a 100% pass rate and 75 (91.5%) bachelor passes, an increase from the previous year’s 65.
Cape Town – It’s been an incredible victory for Makhanda public schools after scooping 313 bachelor passes, breaking their 2018 record of 238 bachelor passes, and an increase from the class of 2020’s 230 bachelor passes.
According to Grocott’s Mail newspaper, Khutliso Daniels Senior Secondary School saw the most improvement, seeing 25 bachelor passes, 15 more than the previous year.
Top performing schools include Victoria Girls High School, Graeme College and Ntsika Senior Secondary School. Victoria Girls led the small Eastern Cape town with a 100% pass rate and 75 (91.5%) bachelor passes, an increase from the previous year’s 65.
Following the girl’s school is their brother school Graeme College, which had a 96.6% pass rate, with 65% bachelor passes.
The no-fee sector similarly produced good results, with Nombulelo Secondary School coming in third with an 85.9% pass rate and 42 bachelor passes.
Ntsika Senior Secondary, which came in third the year before, is now in fourth place with a 79.4% overall pass rate for their class of 2021.
Ntsika’s shining star Sihle Teyise managed to scoop straight As with distinctions for all his seven subjects. The school congratulated this top-performing student with a Facebook message this morning.
“In particular, we congratulate Sive Teyise with seven distinctions in his seven subjects – Maths, Life Science, Physics, Geography etc. You will continue to make history and a difference in life,” they said.
Mary Waters Secondary School, T.E.M.Mrwetyana Secondary School and Nathaniel NY High School achieved 78.2%, 73.1% and 63.3% respectively.
Despite these significant improvements, the Sarah Bartman District, which Makhanda falls under, did not make the province’s top five performing districts.
The top five districts include; Buffalo City Metropolitan with a 79% pass rate, Nelson Mandela Bay at 78.2%, Amathole West at 74.6%, Amathole East at 74.4% and Alfred Nzo with 73.7%.
“In 2021, there has been a strong correlation between top performance and the quality of bachelor passes in these districts. Buffalo City Metro leads with a Bachelor pass rate of 42.9%, the first of its kind in the Provincial NSC results, followed by Nelson Mandela Bay at 39.2%,” Provincial MEC for Education, Fundile Gade said.
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