ANC’s 55th Elective Conference: Cosatu happy with outcome, calls for unity and renewal

Cosatu President Zingiswa Losi. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Cosatu President Zingiswa Losi. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Dec 19, 2022


Cape Town - Cosatu president Zingiswa Losi says the newly elected ANC leadership would have to renew the party and unite it.

She said they were happy with the outcome of the conference despite Cosatu not backing any candidate for the top job in the ANC.

She said the first order of business when Cosatu meets with the newly elected leadership is to discuss issues affecting workers.

She said affiliates of Cosatu have taken a position on the 3% increase offered by government and they support their affiliates.

Losi also said out of the seven leaders elected at Nasrec they were also happy that three women made it into the top structure of the ANC.

“As Cosatu we welcome the outcome of this conference. You will remember that Cosatu out of its national conference did not make any pronouncement on any line-up in order to allow branches of the ANC to determine its leadership,” said Losi.

However, the main task for the new leaders, under President Cyril Ramaphosa, is to bring unity to the party.

“What we want out of this outcome is a leadership that will unite the movement and the alliance,” she said.

She added they did not want to see the ANC divided after the conference.

The first order of business for Cosatu with the Top Seven is a number of issues affecting workers.

They also want an ANC that is going to listen to what Cosatu and other alliance partners are raising.

“We want an ANC that is going to listen, an ANC that is going to go back to its historical mission,” she said.

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