Sorry, not sorry? Bheki Cele engages Speaker over Ian Cameron apology

Police Minister Bheki Cele has been ordered to apologise to Action Society's Ian Cameron after an outburst in July last year. Picture: Edited by Se-Anne Rall

Police Minister Bheki Cele has been ordered to apologise to Action Society's Ian Cameron after an outburst in July last year. Picture: Edited by Se-Anne Rall

Published Dec 7, 2023


Police Minister Bheki Cele has written to the Speaker of Parliament regarding the ruling on his apology to Action Society's Ian Cameron.

In October, the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests found that the police minister breached the Code of Conduct following his outburst against Cameron at a police imbizo in July last year. He was further ordered to apologise to Cameron.

Cele and Cameron were at a meeting between police and residents from the Nyanga and Gugulethu communities to discuss crime and concerns around SA Police Service deployment.

When Cameron addressed Cele on residents' concerns, Cele screamed at Cameron to shut up.

"I’m not going to take any nonsense of someone who regards me as a garden boy today. Because you regard me as a garden boy. You come here, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Cele shouted at the time.

Cameron laid charges of crimen injuria and common assault against Cele after he was forcibly removed from the venue.

According to SABC, Cele told House chairperson, Grace Boroto, that he was still discussing the matter with the Speaker.

Cele said he received acknowledgement of his letter, but no response as yet.

He asked to be given the opportunity to take the issue forward.

Meanwhile, Cameron said while ordering Cele to apologise is the first step, Cele owes the country an apology.

Cameron still believes that Cele should resign from office.