Welcome to the Personal Finance Podcast show with me content editor Ruan Jooste. Our show is available on all major podcast platforms including Google and Apple and Spotify to name a few.
Today we talk about debt review. I recently wrote a Rants and Cents column, on the matter stating that the process is not the be-all and end-all of becoming free of debt, as a matter of fact, it is an expensive exercise and there are a lot of chance-takers out there. I was even threatened with legal action by some of them after I reported some of their misleading and paid-for advertising on Facebook.
But when Wikus Olivier, the MD of CreditSmart gave me a call on the matter stating that it would be very educational if we could have a conversation on why Debt Counselling is not a quick-fix and help consumers understand the process before they 'get in' into it, I agreed with him. He also said that organisations need to start taking responsibility to avoid placing people needlessly under Debt Counselling.
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