VIDEO: Makhura plays football at opening of sports facility near Laudium

Published Sep 19, 2018


Premier David Makhura on Wednesday unveiled a multi-purpose sports facility in Itireleng informal settlement near Laudium.

He said the facility would go a long way in keeping young people off from the streets, where they were vulnerable to the use of drugs.

The facility caters for a variety of sport disciplines like tennis, netball, basketball and soccer.

Makhura said its construction was made possible through a partnership between the Gauteng City Region and the Sports Trust.

It was built after the community told Makhura about a need for a sport field in the area during government's service delivery outreach programme called Ntirhisano in June this year.

"The complaints from the parents were that there was no place for their children to play," Makhura said.

He told residents during the opening ceremony that the City of Tshwane would erect the ablution facility.

Premier David Makhura cuts the ribbon the opening of a multi-purpose sport facility in Itireleng near Laudium. Video: Rapula Moatshe

"We want to make it possible for you to play early in the evening. 

"The floodlights will also be here," he said.

He stressed that the main purpose was to contribute to a fight against drugs by making sure young people participate in sport.

"We don't want to find you in the shebeen," he said.

Makhura, who also took some time out to play football with the local boys, handed over sport equipment such as tennis rackets, balls, soccer and netball kits to children of both Itireleng and Laudium.

Pretoria News

* This story forms part of the #HighSchoolsQuiz study material. Click  here for more #HighSchoolsQuiz stories.

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