Donations for Da L.E.S’s stroke treatment clarified as ‘a kind gesture’ from friends

Rapper Da L.E.S. Picture: Instagram.

Rapper Da L.E.S. Picture: Instagram.

Published Aug 1, 2024


South African rapper, Da L.E.S, is currently receiving prayers from fans far and wide after suffering a stroke on July 26.

He is in recovery at a Johannesburg hospital.

Soon after the Mampe family broke the news, There was social media chatter asking for his fans to donate money toward his medical treatment.

This further snowballed, leaving fans to believe that the popular rapper did not have medical aid.

Netizens took to X to troll the rapper, with some suggesting that Da L.E.S be transferred to a free government hospital instead of his family asking fans to pay for his treatment.

In new developments, social commentator Phil Mphela said that the plea for donations did not come from Da L.E.S’s family but rather as a gesture of support from his friends and business associates.

“Apparently, close friends and business associates of Da Les took it upon themselves to gather donations for the family and reached out to Da Les’ mom for her bank details and informed her that they’d like to send the family money in support of DA L.E.S,” Mphela wrote.

He continued: “I am told the call was initially amongst friends, business partners and associates, then it spread broader. Someone shared the message with the media, distorting the initial intention and catalyst for the donations drive.”

View the thread here:

This angered fans even more.

@almazsithole responded with: “Friends should know their place. They’re not really entitled to make such decisions without family’s approval.”

@PressPlaySA said: “Interesting, what informed them that the family needs donations or can’t afford medical bills? 🤔 Did they even ask permission to do so bcos some families wouldn’t like such publicity? Speedy recovery Da Les ⛑.”

@AustineMsagala added: “Those aren't real friends. They knew people would ride on the "Da Les family seeks donations" wave negatively. The family didn't approve of this. Hai friends.”

— Austine Msagala (@AustineMsagala) July 31, 2024

Independent Media Lifestyle did reach out to the Mampe family PR team for comment. There was no response received at the time of publishing.