Khanya Mkangisa has given birth to a bouncy baby boy

Khanya Mkangisa. Picture: Instagram

Khanya Mkangisa. Picture: Instagram

Published Feb 27, 2024


Congratulatory messages are pouring in for TV presenter and actress Khanya Mkangisa after it was revealed that she’s had her baby.

The former YoTV presenter showed off her belly in the 18th issue of the online magazine, “Nounouche”, but the article revealed that she had already given birth to a bouncy baby boy with her childhood friend and partner, Desmond Williams.

In the feature, the “Unmarried” star shared that she had always been two-minded about becoming a parent and always shook off the idea when her mom asked, but after falling in love with her partner, she felt ready for the journey with him.

Although the pregnancy was planned, she told the magazine: “When we found out, we were in disbelief. It’s crazy how you’ll still be shocked although it was like uhh, what did you think would happen? But you just never know what the universe wants and what God has planned for you so I cried, obviously.

“I’ve been crying a lot with my pregnancy, it’s just so emotional… Everyday I couldn’t believe that I was baking a whole human.”

On her newborn, she added: “I want him to know that he’s loved because when he knows that he’s loved, he’ll have the confidence to be able to become the best version of himself and whatever that is and whatever he chooses what that is for him.”

Asked if she had any regrets, the TV star responded: “I think what maybe makes it not so hard is knowing that I waited to have a child, I really, really waited and the last thing I wanted was regret. Now I feel like I’m fulfilled, I have fulfilled my purpose. I’ve lived my life.

“I’ve travelled, I mean there’s always room for more. But then you realise who’s to say you can’t still do those things? But for the most part, all my dreams I really have tried to reach them in the best way possible.”

Meanwhile on Instagram, Mkangisa’s fans and industry peers have sent their well-wishes and are waiting for her to introduce the baby to the world.