Redi Tlhabi gets flak from X users for blocking Jack Devnarian after disagreement

South African author, Redi Tlhabi. Picture: System

South African author, Redi Tlhabi. Picture: System

Published Oct 2, 2023


When it comes to the court of opinion, X-users have wasted no-time in calling out South African journalist and author, Redi Tlhabi, for blocking seasoned actor, Jack Devnarian after he called her out on misleading the world and ‘claiming to represent’ South Africans.

Tlhabi posted a picture from 10 years ago on the social media platform wishing the United States former president, Jimmy A Carter, a happy birthday.

In the old picture, Tlhabi is pictured at the centre with ‘The Elders’ including late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, human rights activist Hina Jilani, former president of Finland Martti Ahtisaari, Jimmy Carter, former prime minister of Norway Gro Harlem Brundtland, late former secretary-general of the UN Kofi Annan and former president of Ireland Mary Robinson.

Devnarian responded to the post and said: “It’s UNACCEPTABLE that you took that picture claiming to represent the people of South Africa! I hereby express my displeasure.”

To which Tlhabi responded that she is blocking him with “immediate effect”.

An X user, @Loveliv33541892, responded: “Hi Redi, people who addresses at the stages that you do, accept criticism and make the best out of it.

“Why block people when you have provoked reactions. I’m not suggesting you could be one but I’ve learnt that only narcissists hate criticism and expect everyone to praise them.”

Another user, Proud Msiza, said: “You can block them but the truth is told. It was unacceptable.”