3 surprising signs your brain is still youthful despite your age

Feeling younger than your actual age could be a sign of a young and sprightly brain. It's like a mental fountain of youth! Picture: Pexels/Monstera Production

Feeling younger than your actual age could be a sign of a young and sprightly brain. It's like a mental fountain of youth! Picture: Pexels/Monstera Production

Published Dec 13, 2023


Wrinkles and white hair may tell one story, but the brain reveals another. There’s no denying that the mind possesses a mesmerising ability to play tricks on our perception of age.

Have you ever felt like your brain is a few steps ahead of your actual age? Maybe you’re quick to learn new things, or your energy levels mirror those of someone much younger.

It turns out these experiences could be telling us something important about our brain health.

Recent studies have revealed three surprising signs that indicate your brain may be staying youthful despite the passing years.

If you’ve ever wondered whether your brain is keeping up with your youthful spirit, buckle up and get ready to uncover the mysterious clues that might just hold the secret to a youthful brain!

Speaking more than one language

First off, let's talk about the superpower of speaking more than one language. According to a team of Canadian and Spanish researchers, being bilingual isn't just about fluency; it’s about giving your brain a fantastic workout.

It turns out that bilingual folks have supercharged neural connections that work more efficiently, kind of like a turbo boost for your brain.

This helps conserve precious brain energy and shields your noggin from wear and tear, lowering the risk of cognitive ageing and dementia. Who knew that being able to switch between languages could be like giving your brain a shiny suit of armour?

Feeling younger than your actual age

The age you feel, as opposed to your biological age, is known as your “subjective age”. And if your subjective age is younger than the number of years you’ve actually racked up here on Earth, that’s a good thing!

Researchers from Seoul National University and Yonsei University in South Korea found that feeling younger than your actual age could be a sign of a young and sprightly brain. It’s like a mental fountain of youth!

Turns out, those mindfulness practices aren't just good for the soul; they could be the key to keeping your brain feeling fresh and zesty! Picture: Pexels/Monstera Production

They discovered that people who see themselves as younger than their years show fewer signs of physical brain ageing as time goes by. So, maybe feeling like a kid at heart isn’t such a bad thing after all!

Living in the moment

Are you a fan of living in the moment and savouring each second? Turns out, those mindfulness practices aren't just good for the soul; they could be the key to keeping your brain feeling fresh and youthful!

A mind-blowing study from UCLA and Australian National University reveals that staying in the present might just help preserve your brain's precious grey matter, the superhero behind your memory.

What's the secret potion, you ask? It's none other than meditation! Yep, that ancient practice of zoning out might actually be the brain’s bestie.

According to this eye-popping research, when you meditate, you could be doing your noggin a huge favour by physically conserving its grey matter, all by kicking stress to the curb. Who knew that a little tranquillity could wield such power over your brain?

But hold onto your hats, folks, because there's more to this brain party! The study goes on to suggest that meditation could be revving up something called dendritic branching, where neurons get all fancy by forming new dendritic branches and cooking up fresh synapses.

Translation? Your brain cells could be having a grand old chat with each other, ultimately boosting that all-important grey matter. Now, isn’t that a thought to savour?

So, here's a fun experiment to kick-start your day: set your alarm a smidgen earlier, and the moment you roll out of bed, dive into ten minutes of meditation.

It's like serving your brain a soothing, productive brekkie, and who knows, it might just be the secret formula for keeping your brain feeling youthful and vibrant!