Inventive techniques to enhance the flavour of water to encourage regular hydration

Published Aug 30, 2023


Water is unavoidable on the list of necessities for everyday life. One of the most crucial elements of a healthy lifestyle is water.

Even if you exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet and use expensive skin care products, your body will suffer if you don't drink enough water.

Water makes you feel less tired, helps you maintain a healthy weight and improves your appearance.

Your skin expresses its gratitude by becoming supple and bright when you’re drinking enough water.

But let’s face it, life’s liquid can sometimes seem a bit, well, boring. Water generally doesn’t have a particularly strong flavour, though there may be some natural taste differences based on the source of your water or the amount of minerals it contains.

However, if you don't like the flavour and thus battle to drink enough of it, your health will suffer..

We need to replace water lost through breathing, perspiration and daily activities, because our bodies are primarily composed of water.

When we feel irritable, fatigued and weak, it could be because we’re dehydrated. A January 2023 study, featured in eBioMedicine, showed that remaining well hydrated was linked to a longer life, according to CNN Health.

Seasoning your water to make it more appealing has become a TikTok fad.

The so-called “WaterTok” phenomenon promotes experimenting with various flavoured powders, liquids or syrups. To counteract the fact that water is a low-calorie, sugar-free beverage, several of the viral recommendations add calories, sweeteners and preservatives.

Thankfully, there are healthier ways to spice up water. WaterTok suggests these:

Include fresh spices and herbs

Keep fresh herbs in mind while you're using infusions. It takes only a few sprigs of thyme, lavender, rosemary, mint or basil to make your water more impressive.

Also, the flavour is free of calories. Get inventive and create your own blend of fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs.

Add fresh fruit. Just a few slices away lies tasty, fruit-flavoured water. In one of the most popular videos on WaterTok, a TikTok health and wellness influencer says: “I love to keep a big pitcher of water filled with ripe cut fruit in the fridge. Not only does it look lovely (I actually serve this at dinner events), but it also gives hydration.”

Consider using an infuser pitcher, which lets you soak your preferred fruits in a detachable cone, or just muddle a piece or two of fruit in your glass.

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges are traditional water enhancers, but other fruit flavours may also pique your interest. WaterTok suggests juicy peaches, strawberries and watermelon. Consider it a sangria without the wine.

Think about making vegetable infusions

Vegetables in water may seem out of the ordinary, yet many of them are just as effective as fruits at enhancing flavour. To counteract their savouriness with a touch of sweetness, think about serving them with fruits.

The best selections are typically mild, naturally water-rich foods like cucumbers or zucchini. However, feel free to add more unconventional options like earthy carrots or hot radishes if you prefer.

Add a splash of juice

The appropriate kind of juice can boost your beverage’s nutrition for a few calories while also adding much-needed flavour and attractive colour to your glass of water. Juices that are 100% pure usually contain antioxidants, micronutrients and vitamins.

Any fruit juice can be used as a base taste for water. Cranberry, pomegranate, grape and apple juices are particularly tasty. Opt for sugar-free, all-natural juices.

Add flavouring to your ice cubes

Love cold water in a large glass? Its attractiveness could have a scientific justification. Cold water decreases taste bud sensitivity, which may prevent you from detecting pollutants, according to a previous study published in the National Library of Medicine, says Everyday Health.

Check whether adding your preferred type of ice to your glass, whether it be crushed or cubed, will have the desired effect.

Even though ice is only water that has been frozen, it nevertheless presents the potential for adding a little excitement. You can add sliced fruit (such as lemon, lime, and orange slices) to ice cube trays of water.

Put the vibrant cubes in your bottle when it’s time to fill it up. As they melt, they’ll add flavour. Alternatively, you may use frozen juice, coffee or tea. Use trays that produce fun ice cube shapes like stars, circles or fish if you want to have even more fun.

The concept of making flavour-infused ice cubes for your water is brilliant, whether you freeze coffee, water and pomegranate arils, or puréed raspberries and pineapple They look lovely and add a cool, refreshing blast.

Make home-made ice tea

Similar to sparkling water, tea is just as hydrating as plain water and may give your cup a whole new level of personality. Regardless of temperature, unsweetened tea has no calories and, depending on the variety, frequently contains antioxidants. Like with water, you can infuse your tea with fruit in addition to the wide variety of international flavours that are available online and in stores.

Add a slice of fruit, such as an apple, to a steaming mug of herbal tea (such as apple cinnamon tea), according to one of WaterTok's favourite tips. You’ll have a delightfully cooked fruit that tastes like a baked apple at the conclusion of your beverage.

Caffeine content should always be considered while selecting a tea. You can feel jittery after drinking a caffeinated beverage all day.

Consider using a water filter

Not the TikTok sort, please! Instead, adding a water filter to your home or buying a bottle with a built-in filter will help eliminate bad tastes and make drinking water more enjoyable.

You might be surprised to learn how removing pollutants enhances the taste of the water that comes out of your tap, depending on where you live.