Vitamin C and why you need it in your skincare routine

The quest for a radiant complexion has given rise to an entire industry of innovative skincare products, from serums to toners and beyond. Picture:Unsplash/Taryn Elliot

The quest for a radiant complexion has given rise to an entire industry of innovative skincare products, from serums to toners and beyond. Picture:Unsplash/Taryn Elliot

Published Aug 30, 2023


In recent years, it seems like everyone and their grandmother has been obsessing over maintaining a flawless complexion. So why is skincare booming?

And, more importantly, could Vitamin C be the ultimate secret to achieving the holy grail of skin health?

We live in a time where self-expression and embracing individuality reign supreme. And what better way to express ourselves than through our skin?

The Gen Z and influencer community has been front and centre in embracing the idea that skincare isn't just about tackling existing skin issues; it’s a form of self-care and self-love.

And I can’t lie and not champion the idea of investing in ourselves, and that includes investing in our skin.

The quest for a radiant complexion has given rise to an entire industry of innovative skincare products, from serums to toners and beyond. With social media influencers and beauty gurus showcasing their multi-step routines, skincare has become a personal and highly shareable experience.

Unveiling the holy grail: Vitamin C

Among the countless skincare ingredients adorning the shelves, Vitamin C has emerged as a superstar. This all-around superhero for your skin has garnered quite a reputation when it comes to achieving that sought-after healthy glow.

But what makes it so special? Let's break it down.

By including Vitamin C in your skincare routine, you're essentially giving your skin a chance to fight off those pesky villains that can cause wrinkles, dark spots, and dullness.Picture:Unsplash/Tima Miroschenik

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is hailed for its numerous benefits. Firstly, it's a powerhouse antioxidant that neutralises free radicals, those pesky troublemakers that lead to premature ageing.

By including Vitamin C in your skincare routine, you're essentially giving your skin a superhero sidekick, fighting off those pesky villains that can cause wrinkles, dark spots, and dullness.

Additionally, Vitamin C boosts collagen production, which helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Say goodbye to saggy skin and hello to that youthful, bouncy feel we all chase.

Moreover, it aids in reducing hyper-pigmentation and brightening the complexion, unveiling a more even skin tone. Talk about a skincare multi-tasker!

Vitamin C is gaining popularity among skincare enthusiasts for its ability to promote timeless beauty and youthful radiance.

Known for its immune-boosting properties, this powerful antioxidant has now become a game-changer in the world of skincare, revolutionising our approach to proactive ageing routines, according to Nicole Sherwin, founder of Eco Diva Natural - Superfood Skincare.

“As we age, our skin naturally undergoes changes, including a decrease in collagen production and cellular turnover. Collagen, the protein responsible for maintaining firmness and elasticity, gradually diminishes, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Vitamin C emerges as the superhero for our skin in this scenario.”

Vitamin C steps in to neutralise these free radicals, shielding the skin from damage and helping it maintain a radiant glow. Picture:Supplied

Sherwin also highlights another remarkable quality of Vitamin C – its powerful antioxidant properties. Our skin is constantly exposed to environmental aggressors like pollution and UV radiation, which generate free radicals.

These harmful compounds wreak havoc on skin cells, causing oxidative stress and premature ageing. Vitamin C steps in to neutralise these free radicals, shielding the skin from damage and helping it maintain a radiant glow.

Furthermore, as we age, our skin's natural exfoliating process slows, resulting in a dull complexion. Vitamin C can suppress the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots and uneven skin tone.

Thereby aiding in a more balanced and vibrant complexion by controlling melanin synthesis, explained Sherwin.

Integrating Vitamin C into our skincare routines offers numerous benefits, from enhancing collagen production to protecting against environmental damage and promoting a youthful appearance.

To maximise the proactive ageing benefits of Vitamin C, consider integrating it into your skincare routine:

Cleanser: Start your day with a Vitamin C-infused cleanser to kickstart your skin's revitalization journey.

Serum: Apply a Vitamin C serum after cleansing and before moisturising. This allows the antioxidant-rich formula to deeply penetrate and work its magic.

Moisturiser: Opt for a moisturiser enriched with Vitamin C to lock in hydration while providing a final layer of protection.

Sunscreen: Vitamin C complements your sunscreen by offering an additional layer of defence against harmful UV rays.

By incorporating Vitamin C into your daily skincare routine, you're not just investing in products – you're investing in a vibrant, youthful future for your skin.