Sbu Mpisane joins politics and starts new party

Sbu Mpisane has formed a political party, Gap Fixers SA, and will be contesting the general elections this year. | SUPPLIED

Sbu Mpisane has formed a political party, Gap Fixers SA, and will be contesting the general elections this year. | SUPPLIED

Published Jan 22, 2024


Durban — A former Durban Metro dog unit cop with a penchant for fast cars and fancy clothes says the 2024 elections are about addressing the compromises that gave birth to modern South Africa and a sunset clause which saw many white civil servants retaining their government positions.

Sbu Wiseman Mpisane believes his fledgling party, Gap Fixers of South Africa, can challenge the country’s political elite and change the status quo.

Mpisane believes that this sunset clause, which may have gone a long way towards cooling political tensions, ultimately condemned black people to a life of poor service delivery and entrusted questionable characters with leadership in their communities.

“This needs to stop”, said Mpisane, in an interview with the Sunday Tribune this week.

The former husband of millionaire businesswoman Shauwn Mkhize, whose proximity to the political elite in KwaZulu-Natal saw him grab public attention, believes his new party will shock many pundits at this year’s poll.

Mpisane admitted that his entry into politics has been received with mixed feelings.

“Some people are happy, others get easily swayed by the wind, therefore it is within their rights to think either way as we are all humans,” he said.

With names like Julius Malema, John Steenhuisen, Cyril Ramaphosa and possibly Jacob Zuma likely to be on the ballot, the Gap Fixers have joined the fray, raising questions about whether this year’s election will bring any visible changes with so many parties competing for votes.

Mpisane is confident that his party will win people over because of its genuine and organic message. He dismissed suggestions that he had used his relationship with ex-wife Mkhize, the daughter of struggle stalwart Florence Mkhize, to gain political and social mileage, especially in eThekwini.

He said he was perplexed and flummoxed by remarks that he had used his proximity to Shauwn Mkhize for political advantage, saying such undertakings and utterances were among the reasons why he had explored the joys of flying solo.

As the national chairperson of Gap Fixers of South Africa, a party that Mpisane says started two years ago and was registered with the IEC in September, his mission is simple.

He says it is informed by the everyday harsh realities that many people in the country face.

“While many people see politics as a competition of ideas, I believe the primary objective is to better the lives of millions of our fellow citizens who are desperate, and who are in dire need for a better tomorrow”, said Mpisane.

He cited the emotional attachment to poverty by many people for many years without any hope on the horizon as what prompted him to raise his hand for public office. Mpisane decried the decaying infrastructure in KZN and the country and how it had become an eyesore, adding that he and his team would be equal to the challenge.

He described himself as the product of a black child who knows the needs, concerns, frustrations and challenges of the people, features which he said were important to those entrusted with leading.

“I know how best I can execute and tackle the problems of South African citizens, by filling the gaps that have been omitted by masters. People would support anyone based on their hope and trust and nothing else. One may have been around for quite some time in politics, but not having any sound track record with the people,” said Mpisane.

He said the number of members and public support on the ground was swelling.

“We are sincerely optimistic about the outcome of the forthcoming national elections.”

Mpisane appealed to the electorate to consider Gap Fixers as the alternative, noting how other parties and individuals had failed before.

He added that the recruitment drive has begun and is unfolding satisfactorily, with the numbers on the ground growing.

Mpisane said they remain open to possibilities of engagements and formation of coalitions, but stressed that such an arrangement will be made with anyone who shares the vision and objectives of bettering the lives of all citizens in the rural and urban areas.

Sunday Tribune