Charlize Theron sparks social media conversations about how she dresses her children

Social media has been abuzz since the pictures surfaced, with many sharing their stance on boys being dressed as girls.

Social media has been abuzz since the pictures surfaced, with many sharing their stance on boys being dressed as girls.

Published Aug 18, 2023


South African-American actress Charlize Theron has received mixed reactions on social media for reportedly raising her sons as girls.

Pictures surfaced showing the actress with her adopted son, identified as Jackson, who was spotted numerous times wearing dresses.

According to “Daily Mail UK”, Theron has been raising Jackson as a girl after allegedly indicating that Jackson is inclined towards being dressed as a girl.

The publication also revealed that the actress said: “They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide. My job as a parent is to celebrate them and love them and to make sure that they have everything they need to be what they want to be.”

Social media has been abuzz since the pictures surfaced, with many sharing their stance on boys being dressed as girls.

While some of her fans openly criticised the Hollywood star, others came to to her defence.

“Charlize Theron adopted two black boys into a home with no father figure and nobody with a shared racial background. As a preschooler and toddler she’s turned the boys into girls. This can go two ways: they accept their identity as transgender and live as adult females, or their male instincts and testosterone make them very angry to have their gender manipulated and the experience of growing up in their natural gender robbed from them.

“And no, I’m not against adoptions of children from a different race than the adopted parents, not against it, but I do think it’s preferable if there’s one adult role model in their life who shares that characteristic with them,” said @storiesbyjemay on X (formerly Twitter).

@FizzyPodcast added his views: “Is it child abuse for woke celebrities to adopt children from Africa and then have permanent transgender surgeries performed on them before they are even old enough to drive? Charlize Theron and her son.”

@sidduu96 said artists are the biggest tool to propagate “wokeism” with the following they have, explaining that it’s easier to reach the masses with degenerated concepts, an easy way to normalise.

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