Four-year-old gets second chance at life after life-saving heart surgery



Published Dec 13, 2022



[email protected]

Johannesburg - Four-year-old Samantha Nwelana from Mthatha in the Eastern Cape, who was suffering from an atrial septal defect (ASD), will, for the first time this year, enjoy Christmas like other children.

Samantha’s heart condition was discovered in June 2021, and her situation deteriorated, compromising her health.

Her family was in a jovial mood following a much-needed surgery to repair a hole in her heart caused by ASD. The success of the operation means a lot to the Nwelana family, as they live off one salary.

Speaking from her home in Mandela Park, a village outside Mthatha, Samantha’s mother, Nomfusi Nwelana, said she was relieved that the operation was a success because, before the surgery, her daughter was always in constant pain.

"I’m relieved. It will be the first time that Samantha is not in pain. Our family is looking forward to having a great festive season."

"I was always worried as I did not know what was going to happen to her. She was very sick, and doctors had to cancel the first operation when her health deteriorated. Now, this second time around, my baby girl was strong and healthy," said Nwelana.

4-year old Samantha Nwelana and her mother Nomfusi Nwelana, before life changing heart surgery. | SUPPLIED

Nwelana also spoke about how they relied on her mother’s salary, who works as a domestic worker and has to take care of her other unemployed children and grandchildren.

"My mom is the only person working in the house. Her meagre salary has to take care of me, my two siblings, and my grandchildren. She also has to ensure that Samantha regularly goes to the clinic, which is far from here."

"The operation has relieved the burden of paying R70 for transport from the village to the hospital in Umtata. I’m just hoping the hospital visits will be less from now onwards."

"I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for my child to get the surgery. She is here at home recovering well. Next year she is going to Grade 1," added Nwelana.

Samantha is one of the 13 children whose operations were made possible by the Pelo Foundation and its partners: the Busamed Private Hospital Group, where the children are operated, and Wings and Wishes, an NGO that transports the children from their homes to the hospital and back.

Currently, the Eastern Cape Province has approximately 500 children who are on the waiting list for heart surgery.

The Star

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heart disease