Gauteng’s premiership hopeful promises jobs and end to kakistocracy

Former COJ speaker Colleen Makhubele promises to end kakistocracy and create jobs. Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers

Former COJ speaker Colleen Makhubele promises to end kakistocracy and create jobs. Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers

Published Mar 27, 2024


On Monday, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) made its party lists open to the public, revealing the 14 662 candidates nominated by political parties to fill the seats in the National Assembly and provincial legislatures after the May 29 elections.

Since then, political parties have announced their preferred candidates for various positions both nationally and provincially, with former City of Joburg speaker Colleen Makhubele emerging a firm favourite for the party’s Gauteng premiership position.

Speaking to The Star following her nomination by the South African Rainbow Alliance this week, Makhubele said she was deeply honoured by the nomination for the position.

“I am humbled yet very excited. This shows the confidence that SARA leadership has in my leadership skills, competency and qualifications. One of the key considerations was the outstanding work that I did in the City of Joburg as the Chair of Chairs and speaker of the people working with various communities across Gauteng,“ she said.

Makhubele, who has been vocal about women issues following reports of unfair treatment of SA Football Association (Safa) leader Ria Ledwaba, has indicated that she will continue to champion women issues and those of unemployed graduates across the country. She also indicates that her party will ensure jobs for the people of Gauteng.

“We promise the people of Gauteng jobs and houses! People need democracy that brings income and houses. A test of competency and legitimacy for any government is the ability to provide its citizens with income earning opportunities and safe homes. ANC has failed in both and more.

“Gauteng is the economic hub of South Africa that houses over 15 million registered voters, which is more than 50% of registered voters. That’s where most of focus has to be for economic growth, investments; job creation, tourism, services sector must be stimulated. We are bringing the SARA GEAR : Growth; Employment; Accountability and Redistribution which intends to address this,” she said.

She said her vision was to see Gauteng thrive as a 24-hour economic hub where the economy at night is as thriving as the workday economy. For that to happen, investment in law enforcement, transport and other economic activities would be essential.

“Growth is economic growth through denationalisation of SOEs programme; bringing a 24-hour or night economy in Gauteng. We already have a nightlife but not night economy and this will combat the high crime rate in the province.

“We are bringing deregularisation of SMMEs and tax exemption; tax cuts for corporations and individuals,“ she said.

SARA has also promised an end to kakistocracy and to adopt a more merit-based deployment system which has been blamed by the ANC’s opposition polItical parties such as the DA.

“Gauteng needs the best of leaders with competence; qualified and experienced to run complex organisations with multiple divisions that must work in an integrated and efficient manner. Leaders who are accountable and compassionate,” she said.

When it comes to social grants and redistribution of wealth, she said: “We need to increase grants that will address the high cost of living for Gauteng. This will be done through unemployed single men’s grant; caregivers grant of R3 000 for the three million women who are at home looking after loved ones who are elderly or disabled. We have policies to look after the service industry, which is the most important sector in Gauteng: cashiers, waitresses, hotel and restaurant workers and security sector.”

She added that the party has a plan to combat and put an end to rampant gender-based violence in the country, especially in the townships.

“I feel strongly about the women issues. Looking after cashiers, waiters, etc. pensions and safe transport home. I also feel strongly about the high levels of crime and GBV. We will give all girls an opportunity to get gun licences to protect and deter GBV. Providing safe and liveable homes for all our Gauteng residents. Providing solar panel and a borehole for each home.”

She said SARA is preparing for its election manifesto, which will be hosted this weekend at the Mabeskraal Community Hall in the North West. This launch is set to coincide with the party’s fourth month anniversary.

The Star