Man dies after assault: Suffered brain damage and placed on life support

Clinton Kisten. Picture: Supplied

Clinton Kisten. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 6, 2024


The family of a Phoenix man, who was allegedly assaulted and later died in hospital after sustaining extensive head injuries, are hoping that his killers are brought to book.

Clinton Kisten, 23, of Sunford, who suffered brain damage and was placed on life support, died on Saturday evening.

Shaida Kisten, his cousin, said Clinton had left their home with a friend on August 29 at about 5pm. She said he had been living with her since he was 10-years-old.

“He had spent the day with me at home. His friend, who he often spends time with, arrived at about 4.45pm. He told me that they were going out and that he would see me later. I stood outside and watched them leave as I usually do.

“I also stay awake until they return home. It was around midnight when I heard hooting. I opened my window and looked outside. I saw a vehicle parked. I was about to close the window when someone shouted my name. It was my nephew and he asked me to come outside,” she said.

Kisten said when she approached the vehicle, he told her that Clinton had been assaulted and he had picked him up from a house in Phoenix.

“He said Clinton had been hit badly and was in the back seat of the car. When I opened the car door, the first thing I saw was blood all over his face. I asked him what had happened and he said: ‘They hit me. Take me home’. That was the last time I would hear his voice.

“We carried him inside and I cleaned him up. I thought maybe by the morning he would be okay. But the next morning he was vomiting blood and I called the ambulance. When they arrived and assessed him, they said he was a red code and needed to be taken to hospital immediately.”

Kisten said he was taken to Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital.

“The doctor who was treating him approached us and said that he had suffered severe trauma to his head. His brain had shifted from the left to the right. His blood vessels had burst and that was why he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. They had to put him on a life support machine. All we could do was pray that he would survive. But on Saturday night, we received a call that he had passed away.

“I have been left completely broken. I have raised him since he was a child. He came to live with me for a better life and he was a good child. He never raised his voice to his elders or hurt anyone. He also had dreams. He said he hoped to find a job soon and take care of us. He also said he wanted to buy a big house for our family one day.

“We have so many unanswered questions as to what happened on that day that he was beaten to such an extent. He had injuries only to his face and head. We are now trusting in the law and that those responsible will be punished. All we want is justice,” she said.

The funeral was held on Thursday.

The police did not respond at the time of going to print.

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