Could Regular Holidays Be the Secret to a Longer Life?

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. In fact, South Africa tops the charts (alongside the UK and Brazil) as one of the countries with the highest percentage of people experiencing distress, according to the 2023 Mental State of the World report.

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. In fact, South Africa tops the charts (alongside the UK and Brazil) as one of the countries with the highest percentage of people experiencing distress, according to the 2023 Mental State of the World report.

Published Jun 12, 2024


Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. In fact, South Africa tops the charts (alongside the UK and Brazil) as one of the countries with the highest percentage of people experiencing distress, according to the 2023 Mental State of the World report. It’s no secret that the demands of modern life can take a toll – but did you know that various studies have proven that chronic stress can actually shorten your lifespan?

But what if the key to a longer, healthier life was as simple as taking regular holidays? It might sound too good to be true, but research from Yale University suggests that certain lifestyle choices, like learning self-regulation skills and taking time-outs from the daily grind, can counteract the negative effects of stress. 

So, how exactly can travel boost longevity? And, more importantly, how can you ensure your getaway is truly restorative and not just another source of anxiety? Here’s what you need to know. 

Your passport to a longer life

Let’s take a closer look at the ways your next trip could add years to your life:

  • Reduced stress: Most notably, going on holiday provides a much-needed break from work deadlines, chores, and responsibilities, lowering your body’s cortisol levels.
  • Heart health gets a boost: Studies have shown a correlation between frequent travel and improved cardiovascular health, possibly due to reduced stress and increased physical activity while exploring new destinations.
  • Your mind thrives: The novelty and excitement of new experiences trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.
  • Relationships flourish: Travelling with loved ones provides an opportunity to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. 

A blueprint for a stress-free holiday

When it comes to holidays, the planning process and unexpected hiccups can sometimes create more stress than they relieve. As the Travel Experts from Flight Centre South Africa explain, with a bit of forethought and the right support, you can ensure a smooth journey all the way through:

  • Choose the right destination: Consider your personal preferences and choose a destination that aligns with your wellness goals.
  • Book in advance: Booking flights, accommodation, and activities in advance can save you money and eliminate the stress of scrambling for availability. 
  • Set a realistic budget: Determine how much you’re comfortable spending and stick to your budget – and keep an eye out for all-inclusive deals. 
  • Work with a travel agent:  Planning a trip can be overwhelming, especially with so many options and details to consider. 

“Flight Centre’s Travel Experts help you personalise your getaway, ensure you get the best value, and navigate any obstacles along the way. Whether it’s dealing with flight delays or recommending hidden gems, travel agents can provide complete peace of mind,” comments Antoinette Turner, GM of Flight Centre South Africa. 

What fuels your spirit, fuels your body (as Caroline Myss wisely stated). So, hop to it and book that ticket to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. 

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