Does South Africa need a national airline? Tito Mboweni takes the question to Twitter

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni took to Twitter asking tweeps whether SA needed a national carrier on Sunday night. Picture: Baba Jiyane.

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni took to Twitter asking tweeps whether SA needed a national carrier on Sunday night. Picture: Baba Jiyane.

Published Nov 23, 2020


South African Airlines, the country's national carrier, has been the topic of conversation for months now.

IOL reported in October that National Treasury allocated R10.5-billion to South African Airways as an in-year adjustment in the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, settling weeks of uncertainty over funding for the national carrier’s business rescue plan.

The money was allocated for the immediate and mid-term requirements set out in the plan, and delays in securing it saw SAA mothball all operations in early September.

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni took to Twitter with a question on Sunday night. He posted: "Ok. Do we need a National Airline? Maybe that’s the question? Is it?"

His tweet has since gone viral, attracting 117 retweets and 545 Quote Tweets.

Some users didn't believe there was a need for a national airline while others strongly believed it was essential.

User @PaloKhaile1 commented: "All countries have national airlines don't ask nonsense here. SAA was just milk to the ground by your cadres." (sic)

Another user @GGMorakile posted: "You asked this question on your very first budget speech as finance minister and everyone (except ANC MPs) applauded you but you then didn't go into detail... Since then you've injected billions into SAA... Now you come here and repeat the very same question again." (sic)

User @politicsblahbla posted: "You don’t think that perhaps you should have asked this question before you gave the R10,5bn?" (sic)

Some didn't feel there should be a national carrier.

User @LoveEmmjay posted: "No..we don't need a new National airline. Here's people's opinion: 1. Get rid of unwanted political staff members who were hired due to Nepotism and corruption. Most of them are not doing anything rather than stealing spare parts. 2. Cut down SAA flight prices. it's too expensive." (sic).

Another user @sirboring_26 commented: "We dont need a national airline. We need a working Stats SA thats fully funded. We need a fully functional public transport system. This national airline is the majority subsidising the minority. Our country can not afford it nor do we need it." (sic)

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saatito mboweni