The challenges of Type 1 Diabetes when travelling

We spoke to Kirsten de Klerk from Cape Town about living with Type 1 Diabetes and the challenges that brings when travelling.

We spoke to Kirsten de Klerk from Cape Town about living with Type 1 Diabetes and the challenges that brings when travelling.

Published Mar 24, 2022


Living with a chronic condition like Diabetes, that requires 24/7 attention is difficult, add travelling to the mix and it becomes even more of a challenge.

We spoke to Kirsten de Klerk from Cape Town about living with Type 1 Diabetes and the challenges that brings when travelling. Kirsten was diagnosed with diabetes at age 16, it took her a few years to adjust to a new lifestyle of 5x daily finger sticks and 4 or more insulin injections daily to manage those blood glucose levels, travel seemed daunting and scary.

Tell us about the first time post-diagnosis that you embarked on a big trip.

In 2016 (6 years after I was diagnosed) I was flying to Thailand for two weeks. It would be my first time going overseas and my mind was buzzing with so many questions. Would they question my insulin and needles? How different are the time zones? What if something goes wrong? I remember learning how to say I had diabetes in Thai, just in case I got stopped or questioned. It translated to ‘C̄hạn pĕn beāh̄wān’ and I spent a whole morning perfecting the pronunciation on Google translate. I also Googled the time zone differences and set alarms to wake up at 2am to take my usual 9pm night time injection.

This sounds like a lot to think about, what were the food challenges?

In Thailand there was very little access to western cuisine. Most of the meals were rice based, or had very little description on the menu about what was in the food. No one spoke English so I decided to play it safe and eat chicken fried rice for two weeks straight! I knew I could roughly carb count for this. Despite the challenges, I had the time of my life and survived with semi-decent blood glucose levels while finger pricking as often as I could. I was pretty relieved to come home and get back into my normal routine. I had been bitten by the travel bug, I daydreamed about all the places I wanted to go next, but at the same time I remember thinking that I wish life with diabetes could be easier.

So what happened next? You travel a lot! So we must assume that it has become easier?

Yes! In 2019, I was introduced to the FreeStyle Libre. A Flash Glucose Monitoring system that allows me to check my blood glucose levels at any time of the day. I insert a device into my arm for two weeks at a time, and use an app on my phone to scan the sensor to see my blood glucose levels whenever I want.

This device has been a game changer.

Since having more access to data on my blood glucose levels I feel more capable of going after the life that I have always dreamt about. This device has also enabled me to push myself physically because I can check on my sugar levels continuously.

In 2019, I climbed 3166 m in the Drakensberg. In April the following year, I did my first overnight hike to Wolfberg Arch in Cederberg, carrying 12 kg of necessities on my back in 36 degree heat.

I was in my element sleeping under the stars with no cellphone reception. I have also traveled to Namibia, London, Greece and Mauritius since.

Not only have I felt safer knowing what my sugar levels are throughout the day and night, it has also allowed my friends and family to check in on my sugar levels by simply scanning my arm while we are hiking, driving long distances or flying.

Ask your doctor/diabetes specialist for more information or take a look at to find out more about this life changing device.

You can also follow Kirsten’s adventures on Instagram @cape_town_adventurer and @everydayisdiabetesday.


The FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System is indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in people (age 4 and older) with diabetes mellitus. The indication for children (age 4 - 17) is limited to those who are supervised by a caregiver who is at least 18 years of age.

The caregiver is responsible for managing or assisting the child to manage the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System and also for interpreting or assisting the child to interpret FreeStyle Libre readings. It is designed to replace blood glucose testing in the self-management of diabetes with the exceptions listed below.

Under the following circumstances, use a blood glucose meter to check the current glucose readings from the FreeStyle Libre Flash

Glucose Monitoring System Sensor:

• During times of rapidly changing glucose levels, interstitial glucose levels as measured by the Sensor and reported as current may not accurately reflect blood glucose levels. When glucose levels are falling rapidly, glucose readings from the Sensor may be higher than blood glucose levels. Conversely when glucose levels are rising rapidly, glucose readings from the Sensor may be lower than blood glucose levels.

• In order to confirm hypoglycaemia or impending hypoglycaemia as reported by the Sensor.

• If symptoms do not match the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System reading. Do not ignore symptoms that may be due to low blood glucose or high blood glucose.