A tearful reunion as the six fishermen who were rescued on Tuesday were reunited with their relatives. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane
Cape Town - The six fishermen who disappeared at sea on Saturday have been reunited with their loved ones in what has been described a true Easter miracle.
The men from Hout Bay, Netreg, Kuils River and Hawston were located on Tuesday after an extensive search and rescue effort including numerous resources that went more than 80 nautical miles south-east of Cape Point.
It is believed that the men went fishing, but as they ran out of fuel, they drifted farther from the last provided co-ordinates for help.
Telkom Maritime Radio Services also broadcast an all-ship marine VHF radio broadcast alerting vessels in the area to be on the lookout.
Almost three days later and without any injuries, Jason Appel, Matthew Zulu, Rushweld Johnson, Jonathan Jaggers, Joshua Moses and Victor Hudkovic were rescued from their grey Ballistic 7.8m rigid-hull inflatable boat named Berta Fishing Experience.
Craig Lambinon, spokesperson for the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI), said that the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment’s (DFFE) Fisheries Patrol vessel
Ellen Khuzwayo located and recovered the six missing fishermen deep sea off Cape Point.
“The support and efforts of the maritime community as well as the extensive search carried out by DFFE Fisheries Patrol vessels Ellen Khuzwayo and Ruth First, who extensively searched a plotted search grid taking sea drift, wind speeds and direction into account, by MRCC SAR Co-ordinator, is commended in the successful rescue operation,” he said.
“They are reportedly all in good health and not injured.”
The men were reunited with their families and friends just after 10am at the NSRI Simon’s Town base.
Hout Bay skipper Jason Appel didn’t have much to say on his safe return, only that everyone thought that they were deceased.
“I was on my way home. I feel nothing, honestly. They thought we were dead, the people who got us couldn’t believe it. But the route, they must say in their statement, drove past us,” he said.
Hawston resident Matthew Zulu further explained that he was thankful for their safe return to shore.
“I don’t have any problems. We pray, we have a great respect for the sea, always,” he said.
Family and friends rushed to the fishermen as they emerged from the base still wearing their fishing gear, filled with emotion after their safe homecoming.
Mathews' father, Mattheus Zulu, said: “Since I got the call on Sunday I remained positive because I knew they didn’t go out with a normal vessel, they went with a rubber duck and I knew they would just drift,” he explained.
“I knew they would come out safe and alive because I know the sea. I’m very relieved.”
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