Unsung hero nomination for Narendh Ganesh

Letter to the Editor|Published

Narendh Ganesh. | Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

As South Africa marks 30 years of democracy, Lotus FM is honouring the men and women who have been instrumental in nation-building and uplifting their communities.

These are the quiet, unsung heroes who have dedicated themselves over the past three decades to making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Mr. Narendh Ganesh is a university graduate whose social and political activism began in the heyday of apartheid while at Avoca High School, often being fingered as a ring leader by the then security branch.

Ganesh was awarded the Cape of Good hope Foundation Scholarship for scientific research in the field of reproductive physiology at the University of the Western Cape.

Ganesh has a science and medical background, he is an eloquent speaker and a writer of thousands of thought-provoking articles on various matters affecting the community.

Ganesh was bestowed a prestigious award by the Shri Mariammen Temple Society in 2023 in the category Community Socio-economic Upliftment for his unstinting and yeoman contribution for the betterment of all humanity.

An uncompromising and persistent fighter for justice, equality, and fairness for all citizens, and a strong proponent of a non-racial, non-sexist society which is well documented in all media.

He has often times taken on bureaucracy single handed in laying charges against Durban Solid Waste (DSW) for fraud and corruption ensuring his affidavit secured a presidential proclamation signed by President Cyril Ramaphosa and ensuring the Special Investigations Unit SIU initiate investigations.

Ganesh has personally taken up matters on behalf of the community in the Equality Court regarding racism against the Indian community, at great personal cost and risk, resulting in a court precedent-setting judgment in the Umlazi Equality Court in April 2024.

Ganesh has challenged the President, cabinet ministers, municipal authorities and many more against injustices suffered by many communities without fear or favour.

Ganesh played a pivotal role during the July 2021 unrest as a community leader in ensuring the safety of people and rendered evidence at the Human Rights Commission hearings, challenging aspects of the report by the Commission he deemed unfair.

Ganesh coordinated fund raising, administered by a law firm, for an elderly couple whose home was petrol bombed and gutted by rioters during the 2021 unrest.

During the KZN floods, Ganesh was at the forefront in raising funds and coordinated assistance to countless families affected by the floods, including securing donors to completely rebuild a family home that was destroyed by the floods.

He assisted in raising funds and relief to assist victims of the Tongaat tornado in 2024.

Ganesh has been unafraid to challenge security and justice authorities and has been very vocal in calling for intensive investigations into the murder of Babita Deokaran, who exposed graft at Tembisa Hospital in Gauteng.

Ganesh has been a persistent and consistent fighter for the rights of the people and has over 3900 articles published in various media, taking up challenges on behalf of all South Africans.

Ganesh is currently the national leader of the National Independent Congress of South Africa (NICSA) and the chairperson of the Duffs Road Civic Association.

Ganesh is well known in speaking truth to power and is truly a champion and leader of all South Africans, lifting people's lives up wherever he can and is indeed our unsung hero.

Virosha Govender | Durban

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media or IOL.

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